Well, here we go again. I'd love to hear some thoughts and opinions about the race, not just Robby, but anything having to do with the race and his competitors. I'll kick it off by saying there is a strong field with his most difficult competitors starting ahead of him. It will be tough, but I think he will do well. A solid finish will do him well in the championship but a win would just straight up kick ass.

Views: 95

Replies to This Discussion

Thanks Rene! BJ is without a doubt one of the nicest guys in offroad not to mention talented. And he's one of our Vegas boys! Since they found the problem this year, he's gonna have an awesome day!!
The biggest unknown for me is where will the course run... If its the same Ensenada Loop then I probably won't go, .. if its La Rumerosa or the Summit into the Laguna Salada, I am in. I think the La Rumerosa loop has the most spectators becuase you get West Coast and East Coast Baja vistors! Think about this, if its a true 500 miler then it is only 160 miles shorted than the "Baja 1000" this year!!!
well i dont sure but Sal Fish at san felipe told me will be the same baja 500 race course and the 1000 too
i wonder if they will have the race or they will cancel it beacuase of the outbreak of swine flu? The us put a travel advisery against going to mexico!?
im wondering the same but here Ensenada this weekend will be a race at least if the goberment cancel the race but i will taking photos by the guy who made this race and he say who cares the virus lets racing
hum? i have been hearing that this thing has spread to now 10 states inlcuing Mexico and my mom is leaving for veags next week and i think there has been a report. I think i heard this morning there might that around here great when it's this nasty stuff gonna go away!
this virus is crazy started in Oaxaca then to DF then to San Diego Tijuana and Mexicali i have no school till may 6, no movie teather not nothing almost all places are close
finaly the race from this weekend was cancel for the goverment and move it from this weekend to the other
I asked this before on the site - who will qualify the #7 and will Robby be able to run the whole 500 or get out of the car and fly to the NASCAR race as before? Joan
Qualifying is usually on Friday, so he could run the race and be there by Sunday. Maybe PJ Jones will do practice laps for him on Saturday at NASCAR.
I saw Robby's Pre-runner along with T Rod in San Felipe on Tuesday morning. Practice, practice.
I think this race will be anyone's guess until they get to the bottom of the summit (mile +/-120) after that, the team with the least down time should be in the winner's circle.


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