Join us for the Dakar Rally's fourth day on Jan 6, 2009 , right here and chat about the action during the 4th stage.Robby sits in 9th overall,only 34 minutes from the lead.

Stage 4 - Tuesday, January 6
Jacobacci > Neuquen
Connection: 4 km | Special: 459 km | Connection: 25 km | Total: 488 km
At the start of this stage, the rocky passageways will make heavy demands on the arms of motorcyclists, while those who are accustomed to “wadis” will be obliged to negotiate the Argentinian “rios” with the same careful attention. Next, the first sandy portions and the long kilometers of off-road will thrill those who love driving them. Careful now! Mistakes can begin to be costly: the stage toward Neuquen has all the ingredients of a trap. By taking on more or less of a lead, the favorites can begin to show themselves and provide indications of a ranking that just might last.

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and now Robby is off!!!! 9:28 start time
first of the cars rolling in at km 136.. lets hope Robby gets there fast and pass a couple cars....
Looks like we won't have data from KM65 (UPDATE: Since special starts at KM78) 301 and 302 through KM136 with 1 sec of seperation!
no data on km65 because they changed the route this morning.. that's actually the start...or close to the start..
That makes sense. I even posted that!
i thought it was you that posted that..... lol
1st day trying this tracking out, robby 7th
Yep 1 minute 3 seconds behind at first CP.....
dakars live tracking leaves something to be desired. If you change the route, change it on the live tracker as well. ALso on my tracker it will show the top 10 at a certain km with nobody at the next and if I roll my mouse over the next km on the screen, cars all the sudden start showning up. more so than had crossed the last km mark. But hey it cant be easy with the changing routes and all and, it's all ive got to use. Lets make up some time today and Gas on!!!
Robby is 7th through KM136 1min 3 sec back
1st day checking the tracking out, hey all ;)
good morning Robby World! GAS ON> I feel a top 5 finish.. creeping up on the leaders at least in position. Think of it this way, hes one bad turn and two flats our of the lead right now. Long ways to go. Its good to be a Robby fan in January. Everyone else is watching Gilligan Island re-runs.


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