Quotes from Stage 8 of the 2012 Dakar Rally

Robby Gordon - Finished 2nd

" Nani Roma may have beat me, but it must have been close. Beating Peterhansel by seven minutes makes this a great day. In all honesty, I did not attack too much, except towards the end of the stage. At any rate, I was not at my best in the first 300 kilometres, only in the last 150. I felt the others breathing down my neck, so I accelerated."

Nasser Al Attiyah - Finished 5th

"We had a problem with an engine belt. We repaired it... and shortly after it was the alternator's turn to need a repair. But then we started attacking in earnest. There were six cars in front of us and we overtook all the Minis, as well as De Villiers' Toyota. We did a good job. They are nervous because I overtook all of them, but that is not my problem. I know everything is going smoothly, and we will see how far we can go."

Johnny Campbell

Coming Soon

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And Lucas Cruz is sponsored by Burn Energy. Makes for a interesting bivouac.

Nani quote for today
"No mistakes were allowed in this fast stage. I pulled out all the stops in the second part. I drove like this for 15 to 20 kilometres and then there was a turn. Then it was back to putting the pedal on the metal for 20 more kilometres. I could not drive any better or go any faster. I am happy with this stage, happy with my victory. I am also happy because we did not have any mechanical problems. The car is working well. In the end I was just behind Stéphane [Peterhansel], but I was unable to overtake him."

Looks like he had the same stratagy as robby. Slow start flat out in the end. Being that neither had a problem and both finished about the same corrected time, seems the two cars maybe fairly evenly matched through this terrain

I hope all is good between Robby and Nasser!!!

Does anyone know who exactly Nasser was refering to when he said this. " They are nervous because I overtook all of them, but that is not my problem." It was at least reported that RG had dinner with him and told him he may want to drive a little more cautiously because he could not afford to stop and help him this late in the event. As we see in todays stage...he didnt stop. I was just wondering if he is talking about the ASO, the Competitors, or RGM being nervous about all the overtaking? wondering if anyone had any insight?

"they" is the Minis & other cars. He is basically just saying he could give a shit that the others are saying he is faster than them.

Ok cool thanks TOG. I love the dont give a shit attitude!

Check this : "http://www.planetrobby.com/video/2012-dakar-eurosport-stage-8" at 6:30.

on one of the videos you can see Peterhansel and his navigator bitch out Nasser for over taking him while sliding in front and not using his alert properly. Keep it up Nasser!!!

Fun Fun Fun till my daddy took my tool box away. In Nasser voice and no insult intended but after a great day I must say "If the car it does not break ttthheee minis they would come out the tail pipe no?"

@Daniel, it was Roma that was unhappy about how he was overtaken, not Peterhansel.

my bad...

Would you like some cheese with that whine?

From the mini camp:
The early stages featuring numerous technical sections suited the MINI ALL4 Racing particularly well. Later however, the Hummer with its bigger suspension travel enjoyed an advantage. “In the closing stages, the track resembled a highway,” said Roma. “You went 30 kilometres straight on, then there was corner, followed by another 40 flat-out kilometres straight on and the next turn. There, we had just no chance against the Hummers.” The Hummer has been designed according to the American regulations that allows for these advantages and therefore races in the open-class ranking that offers the American cars the possibility to compete in the Dakar. While the MINI ALL4 Racing was designed according to the FIA T1 regulations and therefore has to comply with other specifications, clearly limiting – for instance – the suspension travel.


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