Two practice sessions today, first at 1:00PM CT and 2:30 PM CT.

Qualifying will kickoff at 11:15 AM CT.

Car will be impounded after qualifying.

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It would be frikin AWESOME!
I hope the 84 goes down the tubes. AJ didn't deserve to get booted.
Sadler & Khane making qualifying runs...189 MPH range
excuse my ignorance, but what do you mean by that?
Fastest: After 25 minutes
Dodge - Sadler 2nd (Robby 4th)
Toyota - Vickers 3rd
Chevy - Burton 1st
Ford - McMurray 7th
Solo runs, not in a pack
ok, thanks
Robby is making solo runs?

I wish would track solo runs vs. pack runs.
No, Sadler & Khane are...Robby ran 6 laps and headed for the garage...(Not sure if he's coming back out)
I still think it looked like Robby had a strong car. He almost missed the draft pack...went to the back...caught it easily and was passing cars (made 2nd fastest lap at the time) and then junior blew up.
SHOUT OUT! "How about Terry Labonte in the #45, 12th quickest!" If Robby can't win that would be awesome to see Texas Terry grab the win at Dega in the #45 Petty Dodge!
I would be pretty cool for Robby to push the #45 to the win. If Robby can't win, that's my second choice.


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