Ted Musgrave will take the wheel on Friday & Saturday,  while Robby Gordon drives at Baja. Gene Nead worked with Ted Musgrave when they won the 2005 Truck championship, and once it was learned that the entry list was going to be 45 drivers, they made a change. Ted has had a fantastic career at Pocono, with a 2nd place finish during his career there.Robby Gordon will return to the seat of the car in time for Sunday's race.


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His average finish is19th at sonoma...why not "start & park" a 2nd car and get back that penalty money like last year...
Ted hasnt turned one lap yet and already starting with the 2nd car future talk.
From what I remember, Ted turns right pretty good...
like herding cats, isn't it.,...
Just saying, Gotta get that money back from Nascar for the wood! Why not, it's only the next weekend.
I don't think Ted had it too, it was his wife Debbie that went through treatment and came through just fine.
I thought the Big C you were talking about was a Championship in the truck series
Both Ted and his wife are cancer survivors.
That's right, I forgot about the bladder cancer.

Here's a great quote from Ted after he was penalized at Homestead and lost out on a Big C in the Truck Series, sounds like something that Robby would say less the Ted Musgrave part and add few f-bombs:

"All I can say is next year you're going to see a whole new Ted Musgrave. He's going to be the dirtiest son of a gun going out there on the racetrack and you might as well throw that rulebook away. I ain't going by it no more"
If the 7 were starting 10th and a caution came before he fell worse than say 20th with a fair pit selection and the fact we could pull it off before we lost too much is an interesting gamble, and one thing I would like to see from the team is some gambling. Robby is behind the 8 ball as far as points are concerned and we must all agree that if he were top 20 in points at this point in the year we would have not only seen better racing (that would go without saying) but we would see a more aggressive style from Robby. And I think we all know we are not seeing what we would like to see and what made us fans in the first place. Just sayin'
Let's wait and see how Ted does today before we petition to give him the car on Sunday.
we don't need Ted to Q 10..just needs to safely Q the car for our boy....no need for quick driver changes, superman capes, or fancy-smancy pit boxes


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