Join in here and discuss all the practice & race action for the 2010 Auto Club 500. Robby
Gordon will be running the #7 Warner Music / Whitney Duncan Toyota. Here is the weekend schedule for RGM at the California track.


 Practice    3:00 - 4:30 pm/et   ( 38th Quickest )
 Qualifying  6:30 - 8:30 pm/et   ( 40th Quickest )


 Practice  2:30 - 3:15 pm/et  ( 41st Quickest )
 Practice  3:45 - 4:50 pm/et  ( 38th Quickest )


 Auto Club 500  3:00 pm/et , green flag at 3:19 pm/et ( Finished 33rd )

Dont forget live raceday chat will be available,as well as live twitter feeds from the track.

Garagecam from FONTANA

Practice Live Leaderboard

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That is good news!
I'll wait until at least race 5 to see where this team is at.

I'm hoping for something around 25th in the points.
quote of the day for me during the first pit stop...."RG: we lost a ton of spots on that stop...not that it matters today"

I can understand Derrick's frustation...hell, even RG expressed this frustration in the above quote.

Yes, its a long season and who knows where we'll be in 3 weeks, but I'm pretty sure we've been saying it's a long season since 2005...just sayin'
You'all can't blame the engine failure on TRIAD.They didn't put the wrappers on the race track.Yesterdays lack of performance was a set-up issue compounded by the tire choice.Yesterdays tire was tested by Jeff Burton,HOW did Burton and RCR cars run?It's a long season,if your weak knee'd -now would be a good time to say goodbye,save the fan drama for your momma.
Anybody wanna say that practice speeds "don't have anything to do with how the car will race" after this one? That's what I thought
yes, I will disagree with you. Every race and every situation will be different. Sometimes practice carries over to the race, sometimes it doesnt. I've seen cars fast in practice, implode in the race. So yes, I will disagree with you. Just curious, if you hate it so much, why waste your time here?
Hello I'm a newbie to this forum.I'm a huge Robby Gordon fan and have been for a longtime.I got to see him kick A_s!! at Montreal when he got into it with Ambrose..He won that race as far as I'm concerned..Anyway It kills me to watch him run the way he dose he is a back marker when I know if he had the equipment like hendrick,rcr....Anyways If he got out of it completely ,I'm sure one of these teams would pick him up!!He's a shoe in at Sonoma and The Glen...And I know this guy can run up front at any track..Just a friggin shame.Look at David Ragan what a friggin joke!!Put Robby in that car he'd kick A_s!!
welcome to the site Brent.
But he is the boss, and for the past few years, seriously he keeps getting is ass handed to him at the Nascar races. Smaller teams come out of nowhere and out perform his team. Time for the boss to get his team to step up. They're working hard I'm sure, but the end result sucks. Don't confuse effort with results.
Maybe Robby just brought the Vegas car to California and will paint it Monster black and green for this weekend. Obviously they missed the set up on the car this weekend and they'll move on. I certainly wouldn't call it a season at this point.

So far it has been Daytona which along with Talladega might as well be cut to a 200 mile race instead of the 450 mile ride along with a 50 lap sprint at the end (that's being optomistic) and a 2 mile track that Robby never really hits well. Same goes for Michigan.

Robby has run well at Vegas. Time to move on.
nope.diff car


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