Join in here and discuss all the practice & race action for the 2010 Auto Club 500. Robby
Gordon will be running the #7 Warner Music / Whitney Duncan Toyota. Here is the weekend schedule for RGM at the California track.


 Practice    3:00 - 4:30 pm/et   ( 38th Quickest )
 Qualifying  6:30 - 8:30 pm/et   ( 40th Quickest )


 Practice  2:30 - 3:15 pm/et  ( 41st Quickest )
 Practice  3:45 - 4:50 pm/et  ( 38th Quickest )


 Auto Club 500  3:00 pm/et , green flag at 3:19 pm/et ( Finished 33rd )

Dont forget live raceday chat will be available,as well as live twitter feeds from the track.

Garagecam from FONTANA

Practice Live Leaderboard

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just saw the lap..cant say the car looked loose or tight...just seems like it had no power? weird...
thinking the same thing. bobbles...just seemed to be a limp engine to me...I have a funny feeling you can get the scoop on that! :)

or conversely..Robby knew the car handled so poorly he wasnt going full titlt....thus it looked like it handled okay...
Nah, if you watched the tracker he lost all of his time in the turns, didnt drop much time on the straights.

Thats a frustrating (and hard to fix) problem when your car has a good balance on track but is just that slow...
That was ugly
Got the mileage tune up in? Wrong carb?
Didn't that happen before?

The car did look real stable. Just slow.
God, what a POS. Did anyone think of "Start and Park"?
maybe do an engine change ?
ok it hit the splitter .... I was FOS
Is anyone else disgusted with the on track performance so far this weekend? Speeds have been pathetic at best. Lack of full time sponsor dollars for the last couple of years shows more evident with each passing week. Really sad to see a racer with the desire of Robby having to struggle so badly to even be competitive with the "also ran's" each week.
35, 46, 90 go home
it is what it is and there is nothing you can do about it, but either support through good and bad,or get off at the next stop:

From Robby twitter

Went into turn 1 and hit the splitter pretty hard and had to back out of it before washing up into the fence. Hopefully we'll get time tomorrow to figure it out.

Tough start to the weekend, but still time. Worst case scenario, he finishes


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