Join in here and discuss all the practice & race action for the 2010 Auto Club 500. Robby
Gordon will be running the #7 Warner Music / Whitney Duncan Toyota. Here is the weekend schedule for RGM at the California track.


 Practice    3:00 - 4:30 pm/et   ( 38th Quickest )
 Qualifying  6:30 - 8:30 pm/et   ( 40th Quickest )


 Practice  2:30 - 3:15 pm/et  ( 41st Quickest )
 Practice  3:45 - 4:50 pm/et  ( 38th Quickest )


 Auto Club 500  3:00 pm/et , green flag at 3:19 pm/et ( Finished 33rd )

Dont forget live raceday chat will be available,as well as live twitter feeds from the track.

Garagecam from FONTANA

Practice Live Leaderboard

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this is where the Planet live feed next week will let folks see whats going on with the practice sessions,etc, instead of speculating.
good guys are spoiling us ....thanks.
That's pretty rad of you to do that TOG. Going to do Dover again this year too?
month of May will have a ton of live
Hey TOG - I can't find the link where we buy those cool rose-colored glasses. I think Tim lost his!
participation is strictly optional. nah mean ?
HOw can he get faster if he allwas run the lease amount of laps?
only two laps run so far?
he's kicking the shit out of mike bliss !!!!!!!!!
Yeah, the Said heads have to be pretty disappointed right now too.. Robby is just shaking the car down right now. It's hard to practice when you race on the edge all the time. Everything else is just crusin'!
I would rather see them run 4 laps fast and get the car right than 20 and still be in the bottom half on speed..
Do we know if this is a new car? If not, do we know where it ran last? I miss the reports that said which chassis he was using.


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