It sounds like Robby may not be running the full cup schedule, and that may disappoint alot of Robby's hardcore nascar fans. But what he plans on doing during his "off-weeks" has me absolutely excited. Robby says he is looking hard at running the Indy 500!! That alone would be awesome. But add in running the X-games rally race, building and (hopefully) running a monster truck, and running the Baja 500 & 1000. That is unbelievable. I am definitely looking forward to what 2010 will bring us as Robby Gordon fans, and I think it was worth the wait. What do you think??

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Hey most of you are not Monster Truck fans... That's okay, he's already got you guys.

hey, I took a stroll down monster truck lane and went on the boards. it is already going down. the boards love him already.
Google "Robby Gordon Monster Truck" and you get Two or Three different boards.. I cant remember the names.... it was a one time stop. Most of the comments were positive! But a lot of comments were. I dint like him as a NASCAR driver but, I bet he will be a Hell of a monster truck driver.
If folks dont like him doing it, change the channel.
"..every three or four times a day I log get a hit, which drives up your potential advertising price"

I just had a stroke from laughing so hard...MEDIC !!!

Seriously though, the Monster truck stuff, if it happens, will be located in a group all of its own, and those who are interested can join and get all they can handle, or dont join. 100% optional
I think it will be great to see Robby back at Indy. Nascar has become so corporate it will bore u to death. At least Indy is not scared to run 200+ mph. Unless u drive 48 or 24 u have to follow all the rules.
I'm calling my indy connections as soon as I know Robby is running. I will be in the garage! The last time I was in garage was the mid 90's I lost a guy I worked for in turn 3 after he won the poll..........
yeah, the Brayton deal was very hard to deal with. He was a driver I really pulled for too.
he was fun to be around...I worked in his gravel pit for him, we had the Goodyear blimp buzz the pit one day. Scotty came out and said he talked the guy into doing it on his way back from the Mich race. the paper reported it that the blimp was having problems.... He hit some trees trying to impress Scotty. it was great! can you say FFA......
WJM probably has some good Scott Brayton stories


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