Texas SpeedDiva's Comments

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At 7:21pm on February 9, 2010, Sarah said…
Way to go Cliff!! Let me know tomorrow what you had.
I don't mind the heat of summer. I just don't want it to rain on our trip. I heard from Jaci a bit ago. She is almost to Beckley, WV. Says they are staying the night there. I told her to take a side trip over the New River Gorge Bridge while she is so close.
Unless the power goes out, which is all I need, I should be safe and warm. Had dinner, going to take a warm shower and then snuggle up with a glass of wine from the House of Mouse collection while watching Idol. Tough night, but someone has to do it!
At 5:58pm on February 9, 2010, Sarah said…

Happy Birthday!!!! Hope you have some great plans for celebrating. You know something other than working! Just got home a bit ago. Already have another 3 inches of snow on top of the 3 ft. Calling for 18-20 inches by tomorrow afternoon. WHO ORDERED THIS??? Glad to hear you are not experiencing it this time around.
If I once complain about the heat while we are at Indy, you have my permission to smack me!
At 3:49pm on February 9, 2010, Pathfinder7 said…
It's really strange because the South has been getting the snow this year and we really haven't gotten all that much! Not that I'm complaining mind you! Poor Sarah - 30 inches! that's a lot of snow and I hear it was heavy and wet!
At 3:35pm on February 9, 2010, Pathfinder7 said…
Thanks sweerie! Sarah has been getting our snow. We might get some on Wednesday, but then again maybe not much!
At 9:24pm on February 2, 2010, Sarah said…
I KNOW what you are talking about with the color. Jaci and I made our reservations. I will email you the details tomorrow. We are both looking forward to meeting up with you and others.
At 5:25pm on February 1, 2010, Sarah said…
OMG, too funny as I saw the new packages for the green only M&M's just now. Package says it is the new color of romance. We are in love with racing so does that count??
At 7:04pm on January 29, 2010, Sarah said…
While some talk about what they give up for Lent, we can talk about what we give up for racing event tickets. Family size jars can help, but you should splurge every now and then. Get some with peanuts!! Remember, more protein too!!

Have a great weekend! Love ya!
At 8:09pm on January 28, 2010, Sarah said…
At 10:59pm on December 31, 2009, Sarah said…
Stopping by to wish you a Happy New Year! May the new year bring you much happiness!!
At 10:53pm on December 8, 2009, Sarah said…
We were scheduled for an 'icing event' tonight around 5ish. NOTHING!! We all celebrated as the news reported our area was in the clear. Yeah right!! Just looked out the window due to a friends comments in an email. We have 2-3 inches of the lovely fluffy white stuff, and it is still coming down. Storm came from the south into our area so this could hang here for a bit. We always get it when it is from the South. Guess it is also a dream to think the temp is to be in the mid 50's tomorrow as we were told. HATE WINTER!!!
At 9:34pm on December 4, 2009, Sarah said…
Well they are calling for snow tomorrow, but they are saying it won't last or amount to anything since it was in the 60's yesterday. Ground is too warm they say. It was in the low 50's most of the day today. Only supposed to be 40 at best tomorrow. Oh well, I hope it is only talk. Hate winter.
You be careful!! Bad enough the weather is not good, but then you have those drivers down there who have never seen snow, much less driven in it. We have a lot of transient people here who work in DC. They wouldn't know what snow was if it weren't for the tv!! Idiots will leave their cars in the road if there is a dusting!!
Have a great weekend!!
At 9:31pm on December 3, 2009, Sarah said…
Ok get ready for more confusion. Today when I went in to work it was almost 60 degrees!! Supposed to be warm here and then maybe snow on Sat./Sun. Yep, 60 here in Dec. Now if those temps want to stick around for a few months, I might really enjoy this thing called winter!!
At 9:12pm on December 1, 2009, Sarah said…
Snow in Texas and I am having 60 degree weather here! Well I can't say I want to trade you. Weather says temps in the 40's by Friday. I guess whatever you are having is heading this way. Sure you can't keep it there??? HATE WINTER!!
Things here are good. Got lots of stuff to do, and not wanting to do any of it. Been going on full force for several weeks now, so I just want a few days to chill. Speaking of dreaming.... LOL!!
At 7:01pm on December 1, 2009, CHRIS said…
thank you and hope you have a great holiday season
At 11:20am on December 1, 2009, Joan Forsythe said…
Hi WOW Dec. 1 - time flies Hope you are well - I am swamped at work getting Christmas cards out and newsletters, etc. Nothing new of Robby since his win at Baja - Don't know Dakar time schedule or if he has the money to run. Keep in touch, Joan.
At 5:09am on December 1, 2009, Sarah said…
Sometimes my body insists it is time to wake up even though my mind says, "I don't think so!" Right now is one of those times. Just thought I would go around and posts 'good mornings' to some people here. Hope you have a great day!
At 9:25pm on November 26, 2009, Sarah said…
Hope as I am typing you are relaxing! Thanks for the picture too. You know I love the graphics!
At 8:48am on November 26, 2009, Pathfinder7 said…
All you have to do is ask him for a hug! I'm proof that he does not bite. It's kind of like being hugged by a large bear! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving
At 2:20am on November 26, 2009, Ms Gibby said…
Thanks. Hope you have a great one as well.
At 4:51pm on November 25, 2009, Joan Forsythe said…
Hi - Happy Thanksgiving also - So glad Robby won the SCORE Championship - Have a safe holiday. Joan

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