Texas SpeedDiva's Comments

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At 12:25pm on October 30, 2008, Sarah said…
WHAT! People don't bail on other people on race weekend!?!?! LOL Remember I know what that is like. Their loss I say! Look at it this way, if you get to wild and crazy, there will be no witnesses! Have a wonderful time!
At 11:39pm on October 29, 2008, Ms Gibby said…
Yeah, it was kinda interesting. You should jump in more often. This week seems to be lasting waay too long. I trust you WILL be at the race this weekend?
At 6:52pm on October 29, 2008, Sarah said…
Get some rest lady as I am hoping you will be going non-stop this weekend!! You better make us proud with your antics.
At 6:32pm on October 29, 2008, Christy... aka "robbyfan1st". said…
TSD, glad everything is almost back to normal, whatever that is, for any of us, lol.Is there such a thing? Cold in Mi right now, going down into the high 20's tonight, burrrr, but will be back in the 50's Friday during the day. I'll be freezing my tail off at my grandson's football game Fri night while all the little trick or treaters are out.....the team made the state playoff's, so I am happy to freeze my butt offf for this game. maybe happy is too strong of a word.... Have a great time at the race, wave at us old Upriser's, lol. The #7 team seems to be improving slowly , hope they get some luck this weekend. take care,Chris
At 12:25pm on October 22, 2008, Mouseking7 said…
Hey Babe!!!! Glad to hear from you! Hope all is going well today for you??? I know you are looking forward to TMS, as you should be!!!!! Have alot of fun and IF trouble happens along the way, oh well, enjoy it! We will never know anyway!!!!!!!! Have a great rest of the week! Take care! Love ya
At 10:41pm on October 21, 2008, Sarah said…
Glad you dropped by. Hope the next 2 weekends live up to your expectations! As for trouble, it seems to have no problem finding me. hee hee I will be more than happy to send it your way the week of Texas. TTYL
At 9:54pm on October 21, 2008, Christy... aka "robbyfan1st". said…
Just stopped by to say "hi". Hope everything is back to normal for you by now. I know there was a lot of hard work involved but it could have been worse, as we well know. getting colder by the day in Mi, have had heavy frost already. I go to my grandson's football games on Fri nights,and almost froze my gulu offf last week and it was only in the low 40's. Last division game this week, playoffs start next week, BBRRR. Here's hoping this week is better for RGM than Martinsville, not that he has ever done well there anyway, but losing the gearbox just finished him off early. Off to bed to read, take care,Chris
At 9:18pm on October 21, 2008, Pathfinder7 said…
Just staying busy as well! Launching a new mascara at the counter tomorrow! The thing is called Oscillation - yes, it wiggles!
At 2:03pm on October 18, 2008, Mouseking7 said…
Hey Babe! Just dragging my tail by your page and marking it up! Hope all is well with you! Temps here are very cool!!! Heavy frost this morning! Leaves are on the ground now!!!!!! Winter won't be far away! God I hate that season now!!! Take care and have a great weekend! Love ya
At 8:30am on October 9, 2008, Pathfinder7 said…
Yes, my dear, I have heard that our winter is supposed to have little snow but be very cold! I just can't wait! I want so badly to get out of New England, at least for the winters!
At 11:52pm on October 6, 2008, Ms Gibby said…
Did we get moved up to P8 after all? I'm still smiling!!! Very pleased that he didn't wait till too late to make his run to the front but still managed to avoid the last 'big one'. Ribbit! Ribbit!
At 9:33pm on October 6, 2008, Mouseking7 said…
Hey Babe!! Glad things are coming around for you!! It's always a slow ride back, but, it could have been alot worsr! Yesterday was great! We all needed that badly!!!!!! And yes, I do have to be the different one, don't I?? Have a great rest of the week! Take care! Love Ya
At 12:03pm on October 6, 2008, Christy... aka "robbyfan1st". said…
Hey TSD, hope you're getting things back to as normal as they can be after such a disaster.I always feel sorry for the children who don't understand "weather" and are so scared as a result . Bet some are scared or scarred for life. I still remember when we lived in a mobile home 50 years ago and had a tornado warning. My grandmother was visiting and walking the small hall, saying the rosary. We had a really nice trailer, 10 feet wide and 40 feet long, lol. She was terrified, funny thing I'm probably about the same age now that she was then. How time flies, lol The noon news just came on, Yikes, got to get ready for work NOW. TTYL, take care,Chris
At 6:46pm on October 5, 2008, Ms Gibby said…
YIPPEEE! P9!!! Ribbit Ribbit!!! hee hee hee
At 8:04pm on October 4, 2008, Mouseking7 said…
Hey Babe! Just stopping by to say Hello! Hope all is well with you??? All you bullfrogs around, and I have to be a skunk! At least it pretty much fits me though! Have a great rest of the weekend! Love ya
At 3:55pm on October 4, 2008, Pathfinder7 said…
Think God you are safe and all is pretty much back to normal! Hurricanes are just so foreign to us up in the Norteast. Of course we have Nor'easters in the winter and they can be nasty in their own right!
At 8:42pm on October 1, 2008, Mouseking7 said…
Hey Babe! Thanks for stopping by! Glad you are back, we have missed you dearly!!!!! Have a GREAT REST OF THE WEEK! Love ya
At 7:46pm on October 1, 2008, Ms Gibby said…
At this point, ANYTHING is possible!!!!
At 6:53pm on October 1, 2008, Ms Gibby said…
It's been sort of a slow week at work which just makes it seem twice as long! Otherwise time flies and I haven't even had that much fun!!
Dega this week! Rock on, Robby!!!
At 3:07pm on September 30, 2008, Joan Forsythe said…
Wow what is it??? Disaster Month you with the hurricane and Ms. Gibby with the house burning a couple of doors away. I wonder if the Robby cloud is spreading it's darkness over the whole planet!!! LOL. Hope we get a good finish this weekend, can't be out of the top 35 - barely stayed there this weekend. Keep in touch - Lov ya all. Joan

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