Fellow Racers, Fans and Supporters,

What happened during the Parker 425 this weekend is unfortunate and a huge disappointment for everyone involved with our Team, including Sponsors, Employees and Fans. Our racing program is not just a fun hobby - it is a business. I want everyone to understand that it's business and nothing personal against Casey Folks or anyone involved with BITD. We enjoy racing the series and feel Casey does a good job, and we're going to learn how difficult a job it is for Casey and other promoters in the very near future with Stadium SUPER Trucks.

We have a serious issue in regards to what Casey has said we did and what the rules allow. First and foremost, we want to hear the alleged recording of the radio communication with the helicopter. The rules specifically say "No aircraft permitted for the purpose of race support." We used our aircraft to film within the bounds of the Section 8 rules, which I have listed below.

Here is what the rulebook says in section SEC8:

The rule book does not say what this BITD official posted:

In addition, we use a helicopter for the following reasons: SAFETY! SAFETY! SAFETY!

For most of the races, at some point we are the lead vehicle and I want them to protect innocent people, spectators, snow birds, motorcycle riders, atv's and quads playing in the desert that may not know there is a race going on, especially in Mexico, etc. Trophy trucks (Trick trucks, Class 1400) are the most sophisticated race vehicles in American Motorsports today. The rules are wide open with the class being Unlimited and it is inevitable that someday we're going to crash again and as fast as my trophy truck goes, it could cause serious damage and life threatening injuries. If the helicopter is there to service my team or other teams for medical attention it is making the sport safer.

Our helicopter has landed on multiple occasions to make sure that other competitors are okay when in distress. Last year for example, at Vegas to Reno with the Mastercraft trophy truck and this race our helicopter landed to assist a rolled over vehicle that was stuck in a ditch. Our helicopter did that not to help us win a race and not because we are somehow required to do so, but just because someone needed help immediately and our helicopter was there. I know the people in off-road racing, and I know that they would return the favor if we needed it. That is the way we operate.

Last but not least, we use the helicopter for video production.

Facts: Until we hear the recording that BITD alleges exists, according to our understanding of the rule book, we didn't do anything wrong. We will have to stand up for ourselves on this matter as I take great pride in this issue. This is our business and we support ourselves by winning.

We won this race.......and it's really a bummer that we have to defend the results.

Thanks for the continued support, see you at the next race.
-Robby Gordon

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I think we're just frustrated that we can't do more to help RG in a positive manner while at the same time people elsewhere are being so derogatory towards him and the race team.

I agree with Randy also. I believe the reason for Robby posting on RDZ as opposed to here is it would more likely attract response from fellow competitors. It's a competition issue and a ongoing one for several years between Casey, teams and drivers. It's not a fan issue.

Maybe im the only 1 who feels this way I don't know . Just feels like we can't stand behind Robby like we should be without having to be censored . For instance the bs with Pete we should've all banded together and crusified his Facebook but lil was done , BITD and Casey again same deal . ASO ? Again same thing . Joe Parsons coming on here ? He should've been tarred and feathered instead he was welcomed . Again maybe I'm the only one who feels this way but maybe not .

again, what the hell are you talking about? Who censored what? Pistol Pete can say whatever he wants on HIS OWN facebook page. People can chose to reply or not reply on their own. Joe Parsons ? That was great banter between Us vs them. You need to 'lighten up' just a little.

Like for instance when I dared the asshole on YouTube to come on here you guys respond like this
" Permalink Reply by Mike Kenyon yesterday
@MJ, Robby's battles/tiff's are Robby's.Moving on. Or like this

Permalink Reply by NIKAL on Monday
Dont believe one single thing on that piece of shit blog, The real doosh bag is the owner of that site. I wont even mention his name. But trust, I would rather buy and eat dinner with Pete, Casey and whoever else you all are pissed at.
The best thing you can do is never ever go to that site again!
BTW Pete might be a dick today,and has been known to start shit on RDC, but he has done some really cool things. Pete donates money to the orphanages in Mexico and has literately given his shirt off his back to some locals in Baja. One way Pete gives money every year is he preruns the 500 & 1000 while GoPro'ing the whole thing. He then sells the video footage, GPS route and any notes to racers who want them. Many times racers cant or dont have the ability to prerun, so they buy this info from him. Pete then takes that money and delivers it to Malcolm Smith's Orphanage in Baja.
BTW I dont approve of half the shit Pete does, but that is just Pete.
Or this
Permalink Reply by TOG yesterday
Listen - Keep the battles from other sites at other sites. I don't want that mess over here.

It just seems like you guys don't want us fans to help defend Robby . Yes Robby has never needed help in fighting his battles but don't you think we as his fans should do what we can ?

@MJ, we're on the same team, we don't need convincing.I just don't see where dwelling on it will solve anything.Debating the three subjects at hand, Heligate,Q gate and markergate to me is old news. King of Hammers is 'on' ,this is current.
Gwelling on all three does one thing. Pay's more attention to BiTD and Paddle than they deserve.IMO
Back to King of Hammers and binky command.

Nikal was spot-on with his reply to you. That "website' that you linked, is a trash baja website operated by Mike Overcast. I see nothing wrong in his reply to you. Everyone in the offroad community does what they can to NOT drive attention to that website. Don't take it personally.

As for my reply to you about that Youtube video, you named dropped "Planetrobby" in his comment section on his video. I didn't ask you to do that. Don't bring your beef with that guy to this website by 'daring' him to post over here. You can defend RG all you want. Nobody is stopping you. That video was posted at YOUTUBE, not at Planetrobby. And once again, I don't like using this website as a gateway to negative RG posts at other sites. Why should the RG haters benefit from traffic fueled by a pro RG website?


I think what Nikal was alluding to was that anyone can write a blog saying anything they want irregardless if it is true or not. Having read said blog I think it amounts to character assassination of Mr. Sohren. Having not met any of the people involved personally I am going to have to trust those whom have in this matter. In regards to the administrators of this site position I think they are trying to keep the atmosphere of the Planet free of mean-spirited drama which could rub the occasional viewer of this site the wrong way. From a public relations standpoint continuing to operate in a positive manner would be most beneficial to all parties involved. I admire your enthusiasm MJ and I believe that you operate by the mantra "Can you imagine what I would do if I could do all I can" but in this instance I think there is little that we can do from behind our keyboard and will have to simply put positive spin on this occurrence. Just my opinion :)

I will say again thank you to Kevin and what he said .

Permalink Reply by Kevin Meyer 2 hours ago
I think we're just frustrated that we can't do more to help RG in a positive manner while at the same time people elsewhere are being so derogatory towards him and the race team.

I don't mean to be angry with you guys ( TOG NIKAL MK ) as you guys do an awesome job on here . I just feel that we as fans need to do more to defend our guy .

I don't know what you are looking at, but from everything I have seen, from all external sites and including PR, the scale has been tipping about 90% in favor of RG and a measly 10% against him. Seems to me that the defenders of RG have been out in full force.

What is all this Nikal talk? Nikal said his, Nikal said that. That NIKAL guy is an ass and dont believe one thing he says! I dont!


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