Just thought I'd post this this up so everyone can check it out .


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Thanks MJ!

That is an amazing array of talent and equipment !

the SST's should really freak them englishmen out

Can anyone name who drove the 1st TT at Goodwood ?

Jesse James?

BJ is driving his TT up the hill this year.

You got it WJM whoda thunk Jesse of all people lol . I'd've bet Ivan , Roger Mears or Walker . Yeah BJ sent a tweet out bout him going . Guess they're gonna be showing his 2 vids too.

Robby will have two SST's at Goodwood. One for Sheldon Creed.

That was my first choice when i heard about 2 sst at Goodwood, that's great!

Hmmm...Do they put some metal jumps out for them to fly the SST's or do they try to go up the hill on two wheels?

Guess you can get a ride in an Ultra 4 KOH rig too . I'd much rather ride in a SST with Robby driving lol .

I hope Mike Skinner takes an SST for a ride. I think he would be a nice fit to the series!


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