337 Sheldon Creed + Jonah Street GORDINI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From Dakar.com

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If Campbell was going to be a navigator, why would he not be RGs nav? Is there someone better to replace him as Robs nav? I think this means he's driving. When I see "Gordon/Campbell" I feel "confident/competent". When I envision "Gordon/?" and "?/Campbell", I think "WTF"?

Kellon Walch is RG nav this time....no worries IMHO

I say Shelon Creed , he knows how to wheel a stadium truck better than anyone , gordini is stadium truck based , Sheldon is faster than Robby and is a natural ,saw Sheldon race in San Diego against Robby for the 1st time on a stadium truck and was faster than Robby , only reason Sheldon didn't win was he didnt bump Robby out the way, Sheldon / Campbell would be a great team , Campbell knows truck

Sheldon's stint in his only off road race didn't go so well.

But his short course results speak for themselves.

But it could have gone worse...haha, It was at night so we gotta give him a break there.
For anyone that doesn't recall: https://www.instagram.com/p/ve5tV8NBq1/

Just two questions, does Sheldon have enough sponsorship to pony up for the ride? Secondly, does he meet the minimum driver age for the Dakar?

Third, As GLuce stated above.
Does he have the experience in full blown off road racing?


Well then if the kid can afford the ride let him spread his wings.

Well Well Well!!
It could be a great year indeed.

For The Record.
We do not need to hear it.
We all know "MJ LOVES Pisshole Pete"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yes he does !! they are the best of BFF's :)


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