Join in to discuss Stage 5 of the 2019 Dakar Rally, January 11th, 2019

Tacna > Arequipa

Liaison: 175 km / 109 miles
Stage: 519 km / 322 miles

Schedule: *All times local time GMT-5 (3 hours ahead of PST)

Robby Gordon - TBA | Blade Hildebrand - TBA | Cole Potts - TBA

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If Robby plans to pull out of the race he should at least race one stage with no 80mph speed limit and see how he stacks up that.

You actually have to pay fines for doing that.

I won't even go to the dakar site today! Was a miserable day yesterday! Everytime tried scrolling down the page the side news bar would come over! I hate change especially when they really have not improved the site! Okay done venting!
Tog & Mike thank you for all the sane updates!

That news bar is annoying.


Agree. The site is really not user friendly. Different from last year, but still not user friendly. Really hard to find news and tracking

The boys are having a brutal time. I bet they are looking forward to restday.


Robby is racing stage 5 today. Disregard anything you see where it says he isn't.

What about the others?

Blade begins at 11am/et

Robby start time TBA.

Cole, I don't believe he finished stage 4, still waiting to hear on his status

Thanks TOG

I will always wait for TOG to tell me what is really happening.


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