Beccy Gordon's Comments

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At 7:24pm on September 19, 2012, Robert Suttle said…

Congratulations to Ryan on his championship. It's been said before, behind every good man is a good woman. In this case I think it should be, beside every good man is a good woman. Good to see also that Andretti has signed him for two (2) more years. Will his deal with Andretti prevent him from appearing in an SST event? Hope not.

At 1:07pm on April 30, 2012, Dale Morse said…

Hey Beccy hows it going? Hey I heard your racing an electric car at Pikes Peak thats pretty cool!

At 10:35am on January 15, 2012, Christy... aka "robbyfan1st". said…

more similar stories

Christy Schroeder

Beccy, always good to see you drop by "The Planet". What a brother you picked, lol. I'm proud to be a fan and defender , when needed, of Robby. Looking forward to Daytona and the IRL this year. I was born in Indianapolis and as a little girl, when the 500 was only broadcast on the radio, my dad told me that it was MY race, and I believed him. Haven't missed listening to, when not televised or watching the 500 since. Would love to see Robby race in The Indy 500 this year. The best to RHR this year, (assuming he's racing Take care, Christy Schroeder

At 1:22pm on January 2, 2011, robbyfansinceimsa said…

  Is RHR testing with Tucker next weekend, he is also racing against our clients Viper at the SCCA national at Sebring.



At 5:35pm on January 18, 2010, Steve Kendall said…
Hi Beccy,sorry I did not accept sooner but you're brother made my weekend a litle busy. Hope all is well with you and Ryan. Talk to you soon.
At 11:21am on January 17, 2010, Capt. Allen "Pez Loco" said…
I voted for you to drive.
At 11:36pm on June 4, 2009, Mike/WC77 said…
Hey, haven't seen or heard anything about AAGR in a while. Anything new going on?
At 4:05pm on May 20, 2009, Texas SpeedDiva said…
Good luck to ya'll this weekend!
At 7:35pm on April 20, 2009, Baja Girl 77 said…
congrats on your enagement
At 6:37pm on April 20, 2009, patb racer said…
Congrats to you and RHR!!!!
At 2:39pm on April 20, 2009, Sarah said…
Congratulations on the engagement. I wish you and Ryan only the very best!!
Best wishes to Ryan for a successful season as well!!
At 12:41pm on April 20, 2009, Texas SpeedDiva said…
Congratulations to you and Ryan. I am so happy for ya'll. Best wishes!!!
At 8:42pm on April 19, 2009, Jaci said…
Congratulations to you and Ryan! Good luck to Ryan this season, we are rooting for him!
At 8:23pm on April 19, 2009, RobbySmokeFan said…
Congratulations on your engagement! Heard about it in the interview w/ Ryan during the pre-race! Best wishes!!!!!!
At 8:03pm on April 19, 2009, Christy said…
Just read about your engagement here on the planet, congrats!
At 7:31pm on April 19, 2009, Doug said…
Congratulations to both you and Ryan. Heard about it during the race on VS. Best of luck to both of you in all your future endeavors.
At 6:42pm on April 19, 2009, Mike/WC77 said…
Hey Beccy, I hear congrats are in order to you,& Ryan.
At 6:46pm on March 27, 2009, Texas SpeedDiva said…
I've got my fingers crossed that the story I just read and posted about Ryan is true and that he's got a ride with Vision. Tell him congrats. I'm thrilled he's got a ride and I can root for him again this year.
At 11:43am on March 25, 2009, ernie tweebeeke said…
Do u remember the house on arline ave in lakewood my parents still live there , my mom is one of robbys biggist fans .
At 11:34am on March 25, 2009, Steve Kendall said…
Hi Becky ,
Hope all is well say hi to your mom for me.Love you guys , see you soon.

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