chris sidow
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  • Connellsville, PA
  • United States
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At 6:50am on March 10, 2011, Sarah said…
Hope you are feeling better. Being sick is never very fun. Manassas was pretty much a waste of time. Had a thing with some GM people. NOT what it was advertised to be, but I did get some credit for showing up and all. Not much else going on here. Not that it's a bad thing. Always good to have time to catch up on things. Have a great week!
At 7:35pm on February 28, 2011, Sarah said…
Stopping by to say hello! Got a group of us heading over to Kentucky for the race in July. We are inviting everyone and all to meet up for a Planet Robby gathering. If you think you and yours will be going, let me know and I will share the seating info. This early in the game, we should be able to get more people to sit with us as there were plenty of tickets when we got ours.
Hope all is going well your way. Heading to Manassas, VA tomorrow for some car stuff. Just hate it I have to be on the road by 6:30am as I am NOT a morning person.
At 10:05pm on February 16, 2011, Sarah said…
Looking forward to the Twins tomorrow. Had some vacation days to use before I got new ones so guess who is going to be in front of the tv/computer and not at work!!!
Have a great week too!
At 2:50am on February 11, 2011, Sarah said…
Thought I saw you floating around here around midnight. Guess I am not the only night owl! Don't feel like sleeping so I decided to get the page in line with Robby's new sponsor, etc. Here's hoping he will have a great year. He certainly is due!
At 7:39pm on February 8, 2011, Sarah said…
You had to have known this post was coming! YESSSS!! The Steelers lost!! The day was a good day for this non-Pittsburgh fan. CAPS beat the penguins too. Can't tell you how happy that made me. The hockey game was more entertaining than the football game too. Upset Mike took a puck upside the head, but overall a good day.
Hope you have a better week!!
At 9:57pm on February 2, 2011, Sarah said…
I do the spring countdown instead of Christmas. Christmas happens all too quickly without me needing to count it down, but spring seems to take forever!
No snow or ice here. We lucked out as it went to the north of us. YESSSS!!
Have a great rest of the week! 46 days and counting!
At 10:24pm on January 31, 2011, Sarah said…
Speaking of Pens, I thought MA Fleury would be a better goalie on the other team. (I was for team Staal mind you!). He didn't perform the way I thought he would at all. Kinda disappointing- sort of like not having Crosby either. Oh well, my man Mike made the team and it was fun to watch all the weekend's activities.
As for the super bowl, I am cheering for the Clydesdales! lol!! Can't have the Steelers winning in Cowboy Stadium. Just something so wrong about that.
Hope you have a good week too. Getting prepared for our 'icing event' here tomorrow and Wed. morning. Only 48 days until spring!!
At 5:02pm on January 30, 2011, Sarah said…
Hope the Fl trip worked out well. Bet you loved leaving that weather for the cold here. Not much to report my way. Snow has avoided us for the most part. 1 1/2 inches all winter until last Wed. and then we got 4 inches. Pretty much gone now. Supposed to be 2 days of freezing rain and sleet starting Tues. Yippee- NOT!
'Bout the only thing I like about winter is hockey. Watching the All Star game now. Go team Staal!!
Take care and keep warm!
At 8:10am on January 17, 2011, Sarah said…
Hadn't heard from you in a bit so I thought I would stop by and make sure you were still breathing.  Hope the holidays were good to you and winter has not given you the blues.  Take care and post when you can.
At 4:09pm on December 5, 2010, Sarah said…
Great going on the non-smoking! Hope your holiday was a good one. Trying to get some things done for Christmas. Schedule all messed up as I was to be in Wheeling this weekend for the Super Six games, but the game is in the hand of the State Supreme Court. Not my team's fault, but problems with 2 teams on the other side of the state. We are just sitting here waiting.
Hope you have a great week!! Pens?!?!? Pens who!?!? Go C A P S!! ;)

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