♥ SheilaGO7 ♥'s Comments

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At 10:34pm on July 10, 2008, RobbySmokeFan said…
Hi Flat! Just checking in after a few days offline. J had a buddy spend the night last night and it was almost 11:30 before they went to sleep! And up at 9 am rarin' to go! How did Aimee's game go? J has an all day soccer tournament this Saturday if it doesn't rain, but will be done by the NW race. I'm watching it for sure. And I'm still trying to comprehend the TS leaving JGR thing. At least he didn't go to HMS. He looked really good at the press conference today too. :) All the stuff I told J when Jr left DEI is coming back to haunt me!!!!!!!!! Tell hubby he can cry on my shoulder if I can cry on his! I'll just put duct tape over the #20 on my coffee mug. LOL Anywho, rambling. Gonna see what all I've missed while I've been away. Take care and TTYL!!!!
At 11:26am on July 10, 2008, Christy... aka "robbyfan1st". said…
Hey Missy, Thought I'd here from you last night about the Aimee's game results...hope she won and you were eating gobs of ice cream to celebrate,..Have been busy with church stuff, "festival" this weekend and I hope to be there most of the weekend helping at the silent auction, bowing my way out gracefully of course , just in time to watch the races. Believe me none of them even have a clue what Nascar and will never guess what I'm up to, he he he. ... May not end up at church at all, I've got a dentist appt in the am and instead if filling another small cavity on my upper rt third molar (wisdom tooth ) he may extract it and the opposing one as well, just cause they are getting to be a nuisance....If he opts to do that I want him to do all four at the same time. All my other molars have been crowned for years..I was a certified dental assistant for 15 years and got great rates, he, he, he, but no insurance co. will pay for 3rd molar crowns, so we'll see whats what. 60 years old and having my wisdom teeth out, what a hoot. Hope Robby can keep the momentum going this weekend, wonder if some of the bad finishes have eroded some confidence over time but he was sure happy last Sat nigh. Hope this is truly a turn around for the team. Well enjoy the weekend, my friend, TTYL, hugs, take care, Chris
At 3:53am on July 10, 2008, James said…
Hi Sheila, just wanted to stop in and say hello! Hope you're having a great week!!! That 55 car looks nice!
At 11:14pm on July 7, 2008, Christy... aka "robbyfan1st". said…
You just caught me in time, I'm off to read for awhile. Aimee has her game tomorrow? Hope the rain holds and they get it in. good luck to her and the team...I'm working until 8:00pm tomorrow, as usual, so let me know how it goes, o.k. I'm heading for bed, this is way to late to be up for an old woman like me. TTYL, hugs, take care, Chris
At 6:28pm on July 7, 2008, Shantel said…
Hey Sheila. I'm not sure we will ever get the whole story. But I'll bet it was RG himself. Maybe he's superstitious. Seems like every week he didn't do well, the pic was changed on the site. Maybe he decided to pull it and see how he did? Ha, I don't freaking know, just grabbing at straws guessing! LOL!
At 5:12pm on July 7, 2008, Mouseking7 said…
Hey Babe!!!!! Don't you just love it when you can come back and say "see, I told you so"?????? That's the way it should be!! Hope you had a great day?? TTYL
At 4:48am on July 7, 2008, James said…
Hi Sheila! Hopefully RG carries this momentum right into next weekend. Sounds like you had a fun 4th! All of my family got together at my brother's place. Lot's of food and fun! Let me know if you find out what happened to the Uprising. I see you are already customizing your page...it looks good! Talk to you later!!! ;)
At 11:45pm on July 6, 2008, RobbySmokeFan said…
I'll probably mess with my page later, when I have more time. Just glad I got the invite for this place! My favorite part of the race, other than Rob's 6th place finish, was Cousin Carl took out Jiffy Pop! OMG I yelled so loud! I had just got done saying 'watch, on the restart he's gonna get all in Jiffy's face and take him out". HEEEEEHEEEEEEEEE I gotta find a daycamp for J, he's bored altho he's either been at a friend's house or had a friend over almost everyday! He would have never made it if he grew up in my day. We didn't have video games. LMAO Take care and TTYL. I'm goin' to bed!!!!!
At 10:23pm on July 6, 2008, RobbySmokeFan said…
FLATLANDER!!!!!!!! Look who's here! Just when ya thought you got rid of me. LMAO I was freaking out thinking 'how am I supposed to email Sheila????" Missed ya. Good weekend huh? Robby 6th and the Tigers won tonight (after 15 innings). Take care and TTYL!
At 6:14pm on July 6, 2008, Mouseking7 said…
Hey Babe!!! Soo glad you made it here!!! Missed you and your posts!!!!! And yes, Damn nice race yesterday!!!!!! Can we only believe that this is the start of things to come??? I believe!!!! Have a great week! TTYL
At 5:22pm on July 6, 2008, Shantel said…
Hi Sheila! Thank God you had that account on YouTube or I don't think I would have ever found you. I did a google search w/ your screen name.
L-U-C-K-Y to find you!!! Thanks for joining! Who knows what happened with RuR or if it will be back. Great day for Robby yesterday!!
At 4:23pm on July 6, 2008, Pathfinder7 said…
Not to worry, I wouldn't leave you out in cyberspace! Last night's finish was sweet - hope it's a sign of things to come!
At 2:58pm on July 6, 2008, Christy... aka "robbyfan1st". said…
Finally, I was going to sent out an all points bulletin for you....busy weekend for all , especially Robby, all that crazy driving to bring him home 6th. Damn, if they were able to finish the white flag lap, it may have been even better...He was at the top of his game. a sight to behold and listen to on the scanner. It was good to hear him so happy, hope this is the turn that the team needed. Told you everything yesterday, so welcome home Miss Sheila, welcome home, ;-), take care sweetie, Chris
At 1:42am on July 6, 2008, James said…
Sheeeiiilllaaa!!!!! I am sooooooo glad I found you!What the heck happened to the Uprising?! I've been trying to get on all week with no luck, finally found this site. Did it replace the Uprising? How have you been? The race went well tonight, 6th place!!! I need to look and see where RG is in points now. If there had been a few more laps I think he might have been leading.....he was on the move!!! Did you have a good 4th?! I hope so!!! Let me know how things are!!! ;)

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