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At 7:13am on January 28, 2010, Sarah said…
As for work, maybe the media in PA is a litte nicer than the media out of DC. Can't wait to get to work today and see what new info we have.
Hopefully we can find time to get together Daytona weekend. I am going to try to come up earlier in the week to use some of those vacation days. We can keep in touch to figure it out. If the tv didn't spend so much time showing everything but the race, I would suggest we watch it or part of it at the Dog. I think we could give the guys watching hockey a run for their $$ in the yelling at the tv dept.
At 9:54pm on January 27, 2010, Sarah said…
Pick, pick, pick anytime!! You know I love ya!!
Spoke to Susan and she is just feeling so tired. She is nervous about the 'direct hit' radiation tomorrow. Don't know if they will just do 2 and be done since she had a day off this week or if they will make her come back next Monday. Either way, we thought it would be best to wait until next weekend for a visit. She has been in good spirits so that helps!
As for Toyota, to say the media has blown things out of proportion is an understatement. This is an important recall, but the way it is reported is way off. Media makes it sound like you can't buy any vehicles, and that everyone owning a Toyota will die of sudden acceleration. We can talk more in person or via phone, but I can't put things in print if you know what I mean.
At 1:11pm on January 27, 2010, Sarah said…
So sorry about the partial info. I was texting, typing and probably doing other things too. If you had called her and said that, I am sure she would know why you were calling. Calling for snow here Friday night, BUT as always, it depends on which way it travels May not get anything per one weatherman.
Understood about the weekends. Talked to Susan at one point about being there Thurs. night for the premier of Survivor" Good vs Evil. I would be there thru Monday. I have a week of unused vacation I have to get rid of before mid- Feb. or I loose it. Not sure what I am going to do with it as I am not one for laying around the house. Can you believe I have been there 17 years next month?? Been busy, busy busy with this Toyota stuff in the news. Thank God I don't have to field the phone calls!
At 12:55pm on January 26, 2010, Sarah said…
Terie (Vass) was in chat with us last night. She and Christina wanted to know where you guys were staying. I texted in case you were asleep and also so I would remember. She wants you to call her cell phone (sent in a later text) in a couple of days so you guys can try to meet up while you and Karen are out there.
Don't know if I am coming up this weekend or not. I am coming up the first two weekends in Feb. This weekend all depends on Susan and how she feels. Told her she has no choice the other 2 weekends as they are Superbowl Sunday and Daytona!! =)
At 2:40pm on January 18, 2010, Sarah said…
Susan did have a great time. She started the last of 7 radiation treatments today and the last week of chemo. She is hoping to do this without a break so it can be done with. She will know what, if anything, further needs to be done on the 16th of February. All looked ok today, but the doctor will do a complete exam then. Fingers crossed and prayers it will be over.
Spoke to Christina and Terie on Sunday night. Evidently the reception was bad in the casino so our call went straight to voicemail. They did try to call back, but... Terie is going to try to do something like last year, so hopefully you can meet Christina too.
As for my plans, next weekend will be home, and then I will head your way the following weekend. Tentative plans for a get together is a must!
At 11:03am on January 17, 2010, Sarah said…
It was great to see you and Karen again. I think Susan had a good time as well. We didn't enjoy the outcome of the game, but the rest of the evening was fun. Not sure what we are doing today as we don't want to overdue it. Rain will probably mess with our plans. Yechhh!
At 9:21pm on January 13, 2010, Sarah said…
Spoke to Susan tonight. So far the Sat. night thing is a go!! Going to the Dog, oh yeah! Going to the Dog!!
She felt pretty good today and she is even going to try to make dinner for her daughter tomorrow.
At 7:56pm on January 9, 2010, Sarah said…
The burning is from the radiation. It varies by degree by the person, their skin, the location, etc. So think she is getting it where the sun doesn't shine and she is a fair skin blonde. 1+1= ouch!! Just got off the phone with her to remind her of a few things as I am her Alana. She didn't get out of bed until 3, took a nap and will be laying on the couch watching the Cowboys/Eagles game.
I will tell Susan about going out next Sat. night instead, or in addition to, Sunday so we can get together. She should feel ok next week as she will have had a weeks break. She is grateful for all the thoughts and prayers.
Sounds like you had a busy day today. I ran some errands as I only had to work until noon. For the most part, it has been a lazy day!!! Have a great week too!!
At 12:18pm on January 9, 2010, Sarah said…
No trip to PA this weekend. Doctor stopped her radiation this coming week due to her 'burning' again. She is to resume next Monday (18th). If the weather holds up, I may be up then. Oh well, there are plenty of 'put off' ' projects I can get done here.
Got new tires for one of my vehicles to be put on the afternoon of the 18th sitting in my living room (well 2 of them- 2 are in the trunk), and the smell makes me think of racing. Did the other car last month. My Christmas present to me from me! While normal people were smelling Christmas scents, I had tire rubber. Wonder if someone makes a candle with this smell???
Hope things are good your way!! Keep warm!!
At 7:35am on January 8, 2010, Sarah said…
It was a good night for sports as the CAPS won last night too. I was flippin between the channels and chatting with some of the Planeteers until 1am. It will catch up with me mid-day today I am sure.
We only had a dusting of snow on the vehicles this morning. Guess if I have to have snow, then this is the way. Have a great Friday!!
At 1:11am on January 8, 2010, Sarah said…
MMmmmm was that the vibration of the happy dance being performed up in PA?? It could have given the Grove a run for its money!!
At 7:58pm on January 7, 2010, Sarah said…
I am soooo with you on the warm weather. Guess I feel a little better knowing others have it worse. Have you seen the videos from FL?? FL w/ 30 degree weather in places!!
I will call you if/when we go to eat. Got off the phone with her a little bit ago and she is feeling ok. She has some burning again, but no where near what it was a few weeks ago.
Hope the game is good and you are doing the happy dance by the end of the evening!! Tell Karen I said hello and I have missed seeing her!
At 6:33pm on January 7, 2010, Sarah said…
Just letting you know I will be thinking of you tonight! Go Bama!!
Don't know if I will be in PA this weekend. It is supposed to snow here, but not much. The dividing line for the weather is I-81. You know, less than a mile from me. Who knows what we will get. Just heard it should hit 50 by next Thursday!! Now that is my kind of winter weather!
Anyway, if I get up there, we may do the Dog this weekend and I will call you. If not, then I will definately get up there next week. That is supposed to be the hard week for Susan as she will be finished her chemo and radiation treatments. The last time she was most tired the week after the treatments. Prayers it will be all over then!!
At 11:03pm on December 31, 2009, Sarah said…
Happy New Years!! Here's hoping for a great 2010! Looking forward to seeing you at the track and the Dog!!
At 12:37pm on December 25, 2009, Sarah said…
Looking forward to it!! Merry Christmas! Love ya!
At 6:14pm on December 24, 2009, Sarah said…
Hey woman! Don't know what your plans are for Sunday, but I am here in PA. (You did notice how sunny and warm it was didn't you today!?) Anyway, if Susan is up for it, do you want to make a trip to the Dog?? Not a sure thing yet, but wanted to give you a heads up in case.
Hope you have a WONDERFUL Christmas!! Please tell Karen the same!! Missed you both these past few weeks!
At 9:19pm on December 1, 2009, Sarah said…
Glad you had fun and made it home safely! We missed you on Sunday. We went later in the day as Susan had a meeting after church. Got to wear our WVU stuff, esp. after the Pitt game, the next time we go. Don't think we are going this weekend as I can't leave the 'Burg until 1'ish as my church is having a celebration for a staff member who is retiring after 45 years of service. Thinking of making some lasagna here and then taking it up to Susan's for dinner. BTW- so far so good on the treatments. Can't wait to see the pictures!
At 5:19am on December 1, 2009, Sarah said…
Did you make it back safe and sound yet? Couldn't remember how long you were to be gone. Either way, here is hoping for a fantastic December!
At 8:12am on November 22, 2009, Sarah said…
4 hours and counting..... BTW, I am wearing my jammies w/ matching shirt. Thinking I might just keep them on and wear them to the Dog. ;p
BTW- have you been on the POW sight lately? OMG!!! Too funny! Emma and I check at least once a week.
At 5:27pm on November 21, 2009, Sarah said…
Tomorrow at the Dog and noon. Steve is cooking dinner for all of ladies tonight, so we are staying in and relaxing. Later we are watching UP the movie and my favorite- Star Trek. See you later!!

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