No, there isn't. You know it's bad when Danica is a major topic of discussion, not to mention Steven Wallace. It makes me laugh because of all the times when people would say "this is Planet Robby, not so and so , so if you want to talk about him/her , go to their site". Boy , how times have changed !
Nice to see you jump in with both feet in a couple of the discussions.As you can see, not much of actual importance being thrown out there . YAWN.... LOL
As usual, it was nice of you to pay a visit. I do still like to hear your point of view, even if some others don't.
This is just my opinion , if you and a few others like you are kicked off this place, it will be a bunch of people who always agree about everything. I would miss you. Can you imagine what that will be like ? I guess there are no two sides of every discussion these days ..... that's pretty pathetic IMO . But then what the hell do I know about anything ?
Every time a realist gets kicked off this site it gets a little harder to spend any time here .
I hear you about there not being much to comment on, besides, if you do say something , sure as anything someone is going to get pissed and say you're not a 'real' Robby fan. Go figure...... LOL
I totally agree that Spotted Cow is awesome, and yes, he gave up on the place earlier this year. I still miss him being here, as he was one of a few voices of reason. =)
I'll be on the lookout for when you do stop by, and hopefully get to read your comments.
Man, is it good to have you back ! I don't know about anyone else , but I've missed you ! LOL Will you be coming back on a regular basis, or just now and then ?
I think some need to stop worrying about what you use for an avatar . Voicing your opinion is of more importance , IMHO . Yes , even though many won't like what you say. =)
I think you should use whatever pic you want . It doesn't change what's in your head , or the way you share your opinion.
Since I know the story behind your current avatar , I have to say I'm glad you recovered from the accident . This place needs you , even if no one wants to admit it .
Maybe you should use the photo of you with blue hair since some must make such a to do about the way you look . Unibomber.... ppfffttttt !
GrayAntiMatter's Comments
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As usual, it was nice of you to pay a visit. I do still like to hear your point of view, even if some others don't.
Every time a realist gets kicked off this site it gets a little harder to spend any time here .
I'm becoming more convinced that a lot of people are living under a cloud of delusion about a great many things, not just racing.
I totally agree that Spotted Cow is awesome, and yes, he gave up on the place earlier this year. I still miss him being here, as he was one of a few voices of reason. =)
I'll be on the lookout for when you do stop by, and hopefully get to read your comments.
I think you should use whatever pic you want . It doesn't change what's in your head , or the way you share your opinion.
Maybe you should use the photo of you with blue hair since some must make such a to do about the way you look . Unibomber.... ppfffttttt !
Dakar isn't that far away !
Are you about ready for Dakar ?
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