Tooltime's Comments

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At 5:52am on August 14, 2021, Dave Horwath said…

How are you? I love the new Vette, you? It’s amazing they can sell it so cheap, or is it junk? I am horrible at keeping in touch. I hope all is well with you and your family.
Dave H

At 8:49am on January 11, 2019, FD REBEL said…

Hey tool!

At 7:58pm on December 11, 2014, Bricoop said…
Tool. Glad you're ok. Hope the SRT is repairable.
At 7:57pm on May 4, 2012, J.R. Sands said…

TOOL, thanks for the pictures bud..

At 2:35pm on April 11, 2012, timothy price said…

tool can you e-mail me picts of front bunper and mounts i need to build one for my son-n-law's sport trac

At 6:19pm on March 22, 2012, Mike/WC77 said…

Well then, you should join. It's easy enough. You "follow" people you want to see updates from. (@PLANETROBBY, @RobbyGordon, @ SPEED_ENERGY, @MikeWC77, @TerieV, etc) If they are important enough, turn on mobile updates. They'll come into your phone as texts from twitter. You can the add app to your phone, & tweet from site, or text to 40404. Use people's twitter handle ("@"+name, no spaces) in texts to tweet/reply to someone. If you want say me to see your tweet/reply "Hey @MikeWC77, did you know @RobbyGordon signed my kids @SPEED_ENERGY swag last night?" The handles above are actual, & yes I checked this am. I didn't see a @TOOLTIME listed yet. 140 characters limit per tweet. Thats about all I can think of...

At 1:15pm on March 22, 2012, Mike/WC77 said…

So you had a good time last night huh? Sounds like it. If you wanna pass that msg along to RG, tweet him.

At 8:06pm on January 25, 2012, J.R. Sands said…

Tool ya got Mail...haha

At 1:03pm on January 22, 2011, J.R. Sands said…
Hey ToolTime, going to try to make Vegas, I sent a FR. then I can send you a Message Thanks J.R.
At 1:59pm on January 17, 2011, mj said…

thats 1 of the biggest things i hate about these damn brushless motors theyre VERY finicky lol All my trucks still run brushed w NIMH battery packs . Guess its just the old school in me lol


At 12:01pm on December 23, 2010, mj said…

did you get my pm ?


At 12:00pm on December 23, 2010, mj said…
i race indoors as for setup i mostly stick to the stock setup w just a lil bit less preload and thicker shock oil because of the weight from the rollcage
At 12:53pm on December 22, 2010, mj said…


     Hows everything coming with the speed paint job . If you need anymore help w it feel free to drop me a line . I even figured out a way to make the grill look more chevy like by using no grill decals and doing it by hand .

At 6:04pm on December 19, 2010, mj said…

All the lettering is being done in vinyl letter i got at the office depot

At 6:03pm on December 19, 2010, mj said…

hey bud i didnt use decals the logo is painted on its real ez take this logo here add it to your pics file the just keep tracing it til you get the size you need . Once you have that tape the tracing to the inside of the body then using a sharpie marker retrace it on the body on the outside of it . Then after you do your paint job go back over it with a testors paint marker to make it more permanent

At 1:13pm on November 25, 2010, Sherri Fryer said…
Happy Thanksgiving !
At 11:07am on July 2, 2010, butch said…
hey,we had a chat about walt lott in jan,you said you knew him,i live in orlando now,i race clas 1 in 75-80out there,i met walt and we became friends,he let me help mark the courses with him,he was not shy on drinking some beers ,something has bugged me for years,maybe you may see robby before i do,iwas marking a course out for the firecracker 250,i think 1977or75,walt put a friends 9 or 10 year old son with me to help mark the course,well he kept bugging to drive the baja bug of walts we were using,i told him i had to much power for him,he kept bugging me till i gave in,i made the mistake of letting him start driving at the top of a pretty steep hill,the little shit got it into 3rd gear before i knew it,we were at the bottom of the hill,beer was everywere,one hell of a ride,scared the hell out of me,i dont think i would have taken my class one down that hill that fast,years latter when robby started racing,i allways wonder if that was him,i could not remember the kids name and walt had passed away,it would not supprise if it was him,hah
At 11:26am on March 31, 2010, Nick Head said…
took 2nd in class 5 unlimited... long race, i was in the car for seven hours.. sure was awesome..
At 7:55pm on February 25, 2010, Mouseking7 said…
Thanks for stopping by and saying Hello! Hope all is well your way?? YES, I am a huge Mickey Mouse fan, and can't wait to get back to Orlando! Take care and stop by anytime!!!!!
At 2:00pm on February 13, 2010, Scott B said…

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