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At 12:24pm on July 20, 2011, Sherri Fryer said…
Hi Alex ! Are you in this heat wave ? Man is it ever hot here ! I hope you're keeping cool .

I saw that Patrick Kane has a broken bone in his wrist and has had surgery to repair it. They say he'll be ready to go for training camp. They better hope that's true because you just never know , when it comes to broken bones , they don't always heal like they should. He can't workout or train for 6-8 weeks , I bet he'll be going nuts after a couple weeks and wanting to do something. Hockey players say that it doesn't take long for them to get out of shape when they don't work out or do any kind of training. You would think there is something Kane can do while letting his wrist heal, you know he doesn't want to show up at camp completely out of shape. Since he's young it shouldn't be too bad for him though.
At 1:09pm on July 8, 2011, Sherri Fryer said…
Sir Alex, I know what today is !! Hope you have a great day !!
At 3:17pm on July 1, 2011, Sherri Fryer said…
I just read that the Hawks have signed a number of players who are in their thirties, among them is Jamal Mayers who played for the Sharks last season. They got a good guy there who will help the team any way he can.
At 11:12pm on June 27, 2011, Sherri Fryer said…
Wow, almost a complete over haul of the team. I guess you'll have to wait till they start playing their preseason games to get a sense of what kind of team they're going to have. Since they still have their best players it shouldn't be too big of a change overall.

How are your baseball teams doing ?
At 1:58pm on June 26, 2011, Sherri Fryer said…
You just have to believe that those trades are going to help the Hawks. To think otherwise will drive you crazy. lol
At 12:16pm on June 25, 2011, Sherri Fryer said…
The wheeling and dealing has begun in the NHL . Some surprising and interesting trades made already, any catch you by surprise ? It surprised me that the Sharks traded Setoguchi to Minnesota.
At 1:16pm on June 16, 2011, Sherri Fryer said…
Well, Boston proved me wrong and won the Cup, woo hoo ! I got some measure of pleasure seeing Vancouver lose, how about you ? Did you hear about the riots and destruction that happened last night in Vancouver, all because their team lost ? I don't understand those kinds of 'fans'.
At 12:07pm on June 5, 2011, Sherri Fryer said…
Hey Alex, have you been watching the Cup finals? Can you believe that luck is still with the Nucks? To listen to the announcers Vancouver has the series won, unless Boston pulls off a big miracle, which I'm thinking they won't. I think if Tampa Bay were in it instead of Boston it would be a completely different series.
At 12:44pm on June 1, 2011, Sherri Fryer said…
I feel kind of dumb for forgetting the Braves and the Hawks. LOL Seeing as this is the second hockey team that Atlanta has lost, I think hockey is finished in Atlanta. Why have a team that no one cares to go see play ? I know that the Thrashers have only made it to the playoffs once, and didn't win a game, but surely they deserved some kind of support. Oh well..... I saw an article that said that " Winnipeg has erupted with excitement over getting their hockey team back". I also saw that they have sold 13,000 tickets so far , seating capacity is slightly over 14,000. I guess we will have to wait and see if the move is a success.....
At 2:31pm on May 31, 2011, Sherri Fryer said…
IMO the city seems to be geared mainly for football, maybe I'm wrong about that. Winnipeg is a great hockey city, as it seems all of Canada is. I like the Coyotes, it's a shame what they've been going through. If they do move next year, wonder where the finger of blame will be pointed , at the owners, the organization, from the GM down, or will it be pointed at the fans ?
At 12:52pm on May 31, 2011, Sherri Fryer said…
I saw that. I guess the people in Atlanta aren't big hockey fans. It's their loss, the people in Winnipeg love the game , and are excited to have a team again. So much for those who thought the Coyotes were moving to Winnipeg...
At 12:08am on May 30, 2011, Sarah said…
I think we can figure out something. I always enjoy meeting PR people. Some of the nicest fans around.
There are 7 of us going as a group so far, but not all of us are traveling together. Don't know how many others we will meet up with once we get there either. Let's plan something as time gets closer. I look forward to it! Would be nice if Robby would have some sort of an outing where we could all get together. Not planning on it since we don't even know if he will be racing that weekend.
Have a great Memorial Day!!
At 8:45pm on May 28, 2011, Sherri Fryer said…
I don't hate the Nucks, I just can't stand them. lol Beat 'em Bruins !

As for your teams , there's always the chance they'll do better.
At 11:19pm on May 27, 2011, Sherri Fryer said…
Boo , Boston won . Now I don't really care who wins the Cup. How about you , do you care who wins ?

BTW, how are your baseball teams doing ?
At 11:58pm on May 25, 2011, Sherri Fryer said…
I really thought the Sharks would do better than they did . But it is hard when the Nucks kept getting away with a lot of high sticks to the face , which drew blood, and having things pretty much going all their way. I know the Sharks could have played a lot better, but having officials who either didn't see things happen , or just chose to not see them. People who are baseball fans like to say that the umpires are blind, well IMO, the hockey officials are too. My hope is that Tampa Bay beats Boston, then takes it to Vancouver.
At 8:04pm on May 20, 2011, Sherri Fryer said…
I saw that the Hawks have signed Crawford to a 3 year contract . At least you know that position is taken care of for next season . What are they going to do about Turco , is he at the end of his contract, or is he in the middle of one ? He certainly proved to be a big bust , at least to my way of thinking.=) I think his glory days are behind him.... of course I could be wrong about that. lol
At 8:44pm on May 13, 2011, Sherri Fryer said…
Yeah, they did . =) I was at one point thinking they didn't want to win the series , but boy am I glad they did. IMO the Red Wings are a bunch of crybabies when things aren't going their way.

This series against Vancouver is going to be a tough one , I'm hoping the Sharks get it done . I believe having another hockey fan cheering for them will help a lot Alex.
At 12:17am on May 9, 2011, Mike Kenyon said…
Excellent,Mr Reagan and Mr.Goldwater
At 12:01am on May 3, 2011, Sherri Fryer said…
I agree about both Crawford and Sharp. As for the aggressive D Men, I really don't know who will be available in the free agency pool, or who the Hawks GM would be willing to trade for. I think the off season will be an interesting one.

Have you been watching the Preds / Nucks series ? I think the Preds are looking good and playing tough since they looked so lackluster in game 1. It's a bit surprising that the Nucks haven't been scoring more goals. Is it the curse ?
At 1:29pm on April 28, 2011, Sherri Fryer said…
As you know, they will only be able to sign Crawford and any others if they have the money. Their house cleaning after last season really hurt them this season , IMHO . Hopefully they will be able to improve the team for next season. One can only hope , right ?

The Sharks have to play Detroit again, I don't know how it's going to go for them. I'm hoping they play much better this series than they did against the Kings, if not they will lose. GO SHARKS !!!

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