At 9:27am on November 18, 2014, Baja Girl 77 said…
Hey long time no chat i'm sure you heard I was in the hospital for 2 days with a acute appendices had to have emercenty surgery on sunday i'm home recovering got good drugs!
Thank you for the well wishes! I had a great time, and got to see Robby three times. Even though the rainout on Sunday, it was a good raceweekend! :) Lynda
Just roaming around the planet at 4 something in the morning as I could not sleep. Thought I would post some hellos to friends I have not posted with for a bit. Hope life is good and all is well with you!!
No game for us this weekend. There was a big fight between two teams in the opposite bracket and players were suspended by the ref's. Lawyers got involved and the kids played the next game. That team beat their next opponent. The loosing team filed a restraining order to keep them from playing us. We are now waiting to hear if the State Supreme Court is going to get involved, and when/if we get to play the game. What fun for us!! NOT!! The only thing missing would be Nascar officials over seeing the playoffs!
Have a great week!
NO to the Bengals! Although I love football, I pretty much gave up on professional football when the free agency crap started in the early 90's. I was a huge Cowboys fan as a kid, and have attended other professional games here in the area (Redskins and Ravens). I don't have a team right now, but I will always cheer against the Skins and Steelers. Guess it stems from the childhood.
I love WVU, cheer for OSU for Jaci and anyone playing Michigan. HATE Rodriqa$$! If you follow college football, you will understand why.
I was speaking about my local high school football team. I have been attending the games since before I was in high school. We have made the state playoffs every year straight since '99 (and other years too). We have been the 'bridesmaid' 4 times. The state championship is in Wheeling, WV which is just over an hour from Jaci in OH. My area of the state gets no respect from the rest as we are considered part of the DC suburbs. We have won state championships in every other sport but football. Here is hoping this will be their year!
BTW loved the pics from the race. Have a great week!
Hope your holiday was a good one! I hear you and understand exactly what you are saying about Kevin! Still going to cheer for him and the RCR boys. Hoping Robby gets it together for next year so I can cheer for him too.
Jaci, MissySue and I are going to try to get together next weekend for a football game. Maybe we will call you and let you hear some cheering!! Going to have my orange and black on. Glad Robby is working more with that color as I have plenty of it in my closet.
Take care!!
You realize I can now say "GO KEVIN" on this site and most people won't think twice about it. lol!!
I am busy as always doing a little bit of everything. Hanging out in PA this weekend. Going to meet up with another Planeteer tomorrow for lunch. BTW, I met one at a friends house last weekend. Too cool! Now I have to find her here. Thought I knew how to spell the name she uses, but no luck yet.
Take care and have a great Sunday!!
At 10:45pm on October 23, 2010, Baja Girl 77 said…
Hey girl, How are you? i haven't been on the planet much i just check updates and see what's going on in Robby's world lol after all this is a site for Robby and his fans.
Hey woman! Where have you been and how are you doing? I have been lax here so I thought I would catch up by saying hello to my friends. Hope you have a great weekend!
All's well here, except it's hot & humid. We had a great time on vacation, ready for the next one, which is only 5 weeks away. Getting ready to head to another race with Sarah. We are going to the Brickyard and taking another PR member. It will be her 1st live NASCAR race. I remember mine like it was just last year. Wait, it was just last year. LOL When is your next race?
Hey how have you been? i have been busy lately well i have been tryin to keep myself busy . I haven't started at the hospital they go thru a process. I still think it would be a great opp for me to get to know more people to hang out with :) and gain the experince even though it's not paid. I'm trying to get anthour job it's harder then i thought! Work gave me a 11 cent raise . I wish it was more . I will have to keep pounding the pavement harder unitl something else hits and stop listening to people who tell me differntly . I'm happy that Robby did so well last weekend at snomoa whoo huh? I had so much fun watching the last couple of laps even my family was rooting for Robby :) There not robby fans!Grannys is a jimme fan dad :Jr and Me Robby i had to be differrent
I'm still sad I won't get to see RG and maybe weasel a hug out of him, BUT if anyone has to wheel the #7 I'm pleased to see that it's B. Lab. He's a classy guy! Finishing cleaning the house today and tomorrow morning and then I may not draw too many more sober breaths for the weekend...! I love a good party!
Your weclome He was doing the cutest thing this morning he was playing with my clothes hanger lol bitting it lol He does the cutest things i swear to god but he hates getting baths i do it for my allgeries it helps. I wish i was going this weekend would be fun to see it in person.
Hey girly i thought i would pop in and say once again i'm headed to bed . I thought i would let you know i put up a new pic of me and my baby! ( Ty) -Kitty He loves Robby lol i have a really cute pic of him hanging on to Robby's diecast. He didn't want to give it back i should put it back on my page i have him all decked out in a baja racing shirt that i found at wallyworld in the baby section lol. it was really cheap! I'm pumped for sonoma the one track that Robby is good at. Mabye he will win?
Thanks i'm exicted about the opp i have i had to get some tests done today i had to have some blood taken!. I did fine if i went thru surgery last year i can handle Needles. I have been trying to get me healthy since i have had my rounds with feeling yucky! last week i was getting with a infec which i'm over now! I have such a problem with being dizzy lately! ugh! Hospitals make you go thru alot before you acutally work there or volunteer there i'm not done with the tests!
Hey Woman how are you? i thought i would pop in and say hi it's been such a long time since i left comments for anyone i have been keepin myself busy. I'm going to start volunteering at my local hospital for awhile to give me more epxerince in something. I don't have much i figured i might as well gain some. Sitll working at the y i was told i would be getting a raise eventally um where it's it? I really want a full time job making good money but it's hard these days. I have been off for 3 weeks ugh! i won't be surpized at the end of the next session i'm off for a month grr next month i'm going on vac for 3 days. should be fun Iowa fam thing though.
Looking forward to the annual, or is it semi-annual as we do it twice, party at the House of Mouse in a couple of weeks. Long drive, but we always have a great time. I do so hope you get to come there some time.
Congratulations on the new addition to the family. I think you will have years of love and pleasure with this one.
As for facebook, NO I do not play there. I have a side job that allows me to keep up with EVERYONE who ever graduated from my high school. I am a person who is contacted by the reunion classes as well. Long story, but I keep up with 14,0000 graduates. It is not as hard as it sounds. I also consider the people I work with my family so no need to post to them. My local friends and those in PA are always within reach too. That leaves only my racing friends. I use this site to catch up with them when an email, phone call, etc just won't do. In other words, I have no use for facebook. If you would like we can pm each other our email addresses and you can send me your favorite pic of your new sidekick. Post it on my page even. I won't mind!
Have a fantastic week!!
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Hey long time no chat i'm sure you heard I was in the hospital for 2 days with a acute appendices had to have emercenty surgery on sunday i'm home recovering got good drugs!
Have a great week!
I love WVU, cheer for OSU for Jaci and anyone playing Michigan. HATE Rodriqa$$! If you follow college football, you will understand why.
I was speaking about my local high school football team. I have been attending the games since before I was in high school. We have made the state playoffs every year straight since '99 (and other years too). We have been the 'bridesmaid' 4 times. The state championship is in Wheeling, WV which is just over an hour from Jaci in OH. My area of the state gets no respect from the rest as we are considered part of the DC suburbs. We have won state championships in every other sport but football. Here is hoping this will be their year!
BTW loved the pics from the race. Have a great week!
Jaci, MissySue and I are going to try to get together next weekend for a football game. Maybe we will call you and let you hear some cheering!! Going to have my orange and black on. Glad Robby is working more with that color as I have plenty of it in my closet.
Take care!!
I am busy as always doing a little bit of everything. Hanging out in PA this weekend. Going to meet up with another Planeteer tomorrow for lunch. BTW, I met one at a friends house last weekend. Too cool! Now I have to find her here. Thought I knew how to spell the name she uses, but no luck yet.
Take care and have a great Sunday!!
Congratulations on the new addition to the family. I think you will have years of love and pleasure with this one.
As for facebook, NO I do not play there. I have a side job that allows me to keep up with EVERYONE who ever graduated from my high school. I am a person who is contacted by the reunion classes as well. Long story, but I keep up with 14,0000 graduates. It is not as hard as it sounds. I also consider the people I work with my family so no need to post to them. My local friends and those in PA are always within reach too. That leaves only my racing friends. I use this site to catch up with them when an email, phone call, etc just won't do. In other words, I have no use for facebook. If you would like we can pm each other our email addresses and you can send me your favorite pic of your new sidekick. Post it on my page even. I won't mind!
Have a fantastic week!!
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