Pathfinder7's Comments

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At 2:32pm on May 17, 2010, Walt Pendleton said…
Thanks for staying in touch, glad you are hanging in there. Hope you have a great summer. I miss all those really big trees. Not a lot of big trees in Phoenix.
At 10:24am on May 16, 2010, Sarah said…
Glad to hear the job is going well. Maybe things will take a turn for the better now. Hope you will change your mind about going west for the June race. You know you will be missed if you are not there. Who is going to help Jaci and me drink the wine??
Susan is in a different rehab place. Hoping she gets to go home in a week. She is disappointed she has missed some racing events. Told her when she is well again, we can make up for it.
Take care and have a great Sunday. Love ya!
At 6:25am on May 13, 2010, Sarah said…
Stopping by to check in with you. Hope all is well with you and the new job. Can't wait to see what you get with your discount when I visit next. Take care and have a great Thurs!!
At 12:58pm on May 12, 2010, RollTide7 said…
Getting around to catching up on some outdated messages & emails. I miss you too & would love to visit you & your beautiful state, unfortunately not this year. Darren will be in his final semester of college & getting ready to graduate & Dylan will be in his sr. year of high school which only means both will be draining the $$$ well dry. However, Tim & I were talking just last night about wanting to take a trip next year so......... We are already experiencing the empty nest & I'm not handling it very well at all. My tears are flowing quite frequently these days. How are things going your way? It's been forever since we've talked & NO I cannot believe it's been 5 years since Hotlanta. Time flies way too fast. Shout back when you have a chance & let me know how life is for you.
At 10:24am on May 9, 2010, Sarah said…
Will do sweetie!! Have a wonderful Sunday!!
At 11:54pm on May 8, 2010, Sarah said…
Well not a good night for Robby, but us ladies had a good time chatting anyway. We missed you! Going to PA tomorrow with a group of people. 8 of us going to invade Susan's hospital room for an early birthday surprise. Hope you have a great Sunday!!
At 9:17am on May 8, 2010, Sarah said…
Only the best of luck with the new job. I hope it will bring you much happiness and of course, $$$$$!!
Keep me posted!
Susan had another set back since we last communicated. Looks like she will be in the hospital at least thru Wed. Reevaluation then. She was in a lot of pain again last night. I am going to go see her either tomorrow or later this week. It just never seems to get better for her.
At 8:00pm on May 5, 2010, RobbySmokeFan said…
Love the page! Been a while since I've been to the Planet. Get my updates from FB. Been thinking about getting a new pooch, checking out the Humane Society's website to see what they have, but they're either too old, too big or not what I want. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods! TTYL :)
At 7:24am on May 4, 2010, Sarah said…
Just an update, Susan is still in the hospital. Thinking she will move to a different rehab on Thurs or Friday. It just never ends for her.
Hope all is well your way. Have you started the new job yet?
At 10:58am on May 2, 2010, Sarah said…
She knows you and others here are saying prayers and she thanks you all. She gets reevaluated tomorrow and should know more then. She will miss Indy this year, but maybe she can get better in time to come to NH again.
Hope you have a fantastic Sunday!! Love ya!
At 1:45am on May 1, 2010, Sarah said…
Susan is doing a little better today. She feels better now she is back in the hospital. Praying no more surgery!!
Have a great weekend.
At 3:22pm on April 30, 2010, vak7 said…
I'll be suffering race withdrawal Sat nite, it's our grandson's big night and we're going to dinner to celebrate afterward. Guess I'll catch up here afterward!
At 10:37am on April 29, 2010, Racingwench said…
Nope no Mr. Wench this year. He is going to work instead. Silly him. Just me if that is okay.
At 6:45pm on April 28, 2010, Sarah said…
Oh forgot to ask, but when will you guys need money for the upcoming race up your way?
At 6:45pm on April 28, 2010, Sarah said…
I would LOVE to go to Dega again! Jaci wants to go too. Put me down for going back.
Susan is still in rehab as she is not healing as she should. Will know more after she sees the doctor tomorrow.
Hope the new job is going great!
At 12:56pm on April 28, 2010, Racingwench said…
You are so right, a job is better than no job. I need to suck it up and hope that evidently something will come my way that is more in my field. Have a great day!! I am so glad that you are happy about your job!! HUGS
At 12:52pm on April 28, 2010, vak7 said…
Great news about the job! They're pretty hard to come by these days so this is really good. I'm holding my own. Been a crazy month so not getting on a scale just yet. My mother in law passed away Apr 15 and we had been back and forth to PA to see her as she declined and again for the funeral. She was 95 and it was peaceful. And tonight we head to see the grandkids in Indiana. Oldest one is receiving 1st Communion. I'll be there until May 10. So I'll be too easy to think about eating! But they do live near a Menard's so I'll stop in to buy something, even if it's a role of duct tape! Thanks for dropping by.
At 9:55am on April 28, 2010, Racingwench said…
Wonderful!! Please let me know the cost of the tickets and I will send you a check so that you can get me a ticket.
Are you excited about the new job? It sounds like it will be a good opportunity for you.
I start my new job on May 10th. Not really excited about it as it is not what I want to do but it is a job. Benefits are good but salary is less than 1/2 of what I made before but that seems to be the times right now.
Have a great day!!!
At 6:22pm on April 25, 2010, Racingwench said…
Hey There!! Hope all is well with you and Mouse. Congrats on the new job. Yes I have a job!!! I start on May 10th so that means I can come to NH for the June race if there is still room at the Mouse house for me!! So tell me all about the new job...
At 1:30pm on April 25, 2010, Sarah said…
Wishing you all the best with the new job. Watching Dega now with the rest of the Planet. There is just no racing like this anywhere else!! LOVE LOVE LOVE DEGA!!

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