Walt Pendleton's Comments

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At 12:27pm on March 4, 2009, Rene Hernandez said…
mhh damn it the time is too short i have this week to make a decission :(
At 12:16pm on March 4, 2009, Rene Hernandez said…
are you going to SF this week or the coming week??
well i will try the best to be there i want 2 see Robby win that race,i never been in that race if i cannot be
like u said b4 i will met you here in Ensenada for the 500
At 12:14pm on March 4, 2009, Pathfinder7 said…
Go ahead, you devil, rub it in! At least the sun is out and there is a little melting going on! It really just needs to stop snowing!
At 12:09pm on March 4, 2009, Pathfinder7 said…
That's cool and I know you'll have a blast! Of course RG will win it. Say Hi to Bill for me and of course wish RG the best of luck!
At 11:41am on March 4, 2009, BILL MORAN said…
yeah i would love to if i can thanks
At 10:11am on March 3, 2009, Rene Hernandez said…
looks like Baja Bill is going to san felipe
At 10:04am on March 3, 2009, BILL MORAN said…
it does not look like I can attend, I really appreciate the invite though may be another time thanks again
At 11:02am on March 2, 2009, Rene Hernandez said…
wow i don't know what to say thats very nice thank you, i want to go to san felipe but like i said before i need money i wiill see the next week if i can get some money to buy a bus ticket to SF or if i can get some ride.

again thank you very much Walt
At 8:35am on March 2, 2009, Christine said…
Thank you Walt, I have been very busy lately. New house, new job and lot's to take care of =) Just have to jump in and fly! Take care and I will talk to you soon.
At 7:53am on March 2, 2009, Pathfinder7 said…
Vegas was pretty kind to the Boy and he did well! Nice to see!
At 1:51am on March 2, 2009, Rene Hernandez said…
well really i dont think so cuz i dont have money or any place to stay in San Felipe
and you are going to san felipe 250??
At 10:22pm on February 19, 2009, Rene Hernandez said…
thanks 4 add me
At 3:34pm on December 29, 2008, Joan Forsythe said…
Hi Walt - Hope you had a good Christmas. Hope you are safe. There was a TV show (don't recall which one) that said Baja is no longer safe for American Tourists. There have been abductions, etc. on Americans by bandits. Why is it terrorists (no matter what kind) have to ruin things? Again hope your holliday and R&R was fun. Happy New Year - I will be following RG in the Dakar race. Joan
At 1:42pm on December 19, 2008, Joan Forsythe said…
Hey Walt have a great holiday - will be back on the Planet in time for Robby's birthday and Dakar. Joan
At 12:01pm on December 10, 2008, Pathfinder7 said…
And here, all along I thought you were going! It would be fun though.
At 9:52am on December 10, 2008, Pathfinder7 said…
Hey Walt, my friend, did I hear correctly that you are doing the Dakar this year with RG and crew?
At 10:58pm on November 30, 2008, Christine said…
Well the 77 didn't roar like I was hoping...but then again you can't win them all. Robby will have a much better 2009, though I had high hopes for this year with out the flying and all. Hopefully he will get some decent R&R and come back ready to roar at Dakar. Have a Happy Holiday season =)
At 4:10pm on November 26, 2008, Joan Forsythe said…
Happy Thanksgiving Walt - guess you are home. Disappointed in Robby crashing at Baja and losing the engine. That boy just have to start being more gentle on his equipemnt. Keep in touch Joan
At 10:59pm on November 22, 2008, Clance' McClannahan said…
I am jealous:) Too bad for Robby this time. He has some great stuff coming up astrologically. I am excited for him. January is going to be more memorable than just his birthday!
Thanks for coming by Walt.
At 10:45am on November 17, 2008, Joan Forsythe said…
Walt - wish I could be there with you. Get some good photos and post them here on the Planet. Take care - Keep in touch. The Baja course looks particularly rough this year. Jaon

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