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At 11:16pm on January 5, 2010, Sherri Fryer said…
Hi Lynda ! I don't know about there being an audio , but the quote was there , and I'm fairly certain it wasn't a misquote . You'd think he'd would feel a little bit different than that , seeing as there are so many who would love to win a stage . I understand how he wants to win the over all championship , but still you'd think he wouldn't have made that comment . Who am I to know what is going through his mind at a time like that ? As they say " to each his own."

As for the Sharks , I know they'll bounce back , because their coach won't allow anything else . =) They are human , so they will have nights like last night , no big deal .

I don't mind shoveling , it's just that I have other things to do inside the house , and if I shovel , it means work inside won't get done . It seems like it will never stop snowing .

At this time of year it is hard to get away from the ones who are being the biggest pains in the ass . I can take it because I can also dish it out . LOL If it weren't so cold out I'd probably take Frankie out for a little mini walk , but since she is 11 , she doesn't tolerate the cold as well as she once did . Her days consist mainly of napping on her bed . Boy do I envy her =) I would have given her a head scratch , but it would have meant waking her up from her nap , and she's not always pleasant when someone does that . LOL

Hope you've been having a good night , I've been messing around on the computer and listening to the TV . All in all , not a bad night . Take care and TTYL ! Sherri
At 6:18pm on January 5, 2010, Sherri Fryer said…
Hi Lynda ! I checked in a couple of times to see how things were going . It would seem that Robby himself wasn't all that excited about winning the special , calling it "nothing" . I don't know how people are to take that , but different folks , different reactions . I think they have people who must check to see if the drivers made all the check points and such , before they can officially declare the driver the winner . Pretty much what happens with the Baja race , gotta make sure no one is cheating . There's still a lot of race left , and who knows what will happen .

The Sharks were completely awful . I didn't even listen to the 3rd period . I'll keep you informed of their schedule week by week , so it'll be easy to know when they play .

We're in for more snow tonight , yay! I only shovel if there's no one else here to do it . How much longer till spring ?

People here are on my nerves , but other than that , I'm hanging in there . LOL I'm doing my best to stay warm , hope you're doing the same . Take care and TTYL ! Sherri
At 4:44pm on January 4, 2010, Sherri Fryer said…
Hi Lynda ! Just wanted to let you know the Sharks play tonight at 10:30 . They also play on Wed. night at 10:30 , and on Sat night at 10:30 . TTYL ! Sherri
At 8:23am on January 4, 2010, Billy said…
Lynda, Happy New Year to you and your daughter too!
At 11:39pm on January 3, 2010, TOG said…
hey thanks very much !
At 4:27pm on January 3, 2010, Sherri Fryer said…
Hi Lynda! Robby didn't do too bad today in spite of a flat tire . At least it wasn't anything more serious or labor intensive . He has plenty of time to make up the time he's lost .

Yes , I'm happy that the Sharks won again , They're playing well enough to win , but they still need to play with a little more consistency , like SC says , a solid 40 mins. a game .

We haven't gotten a lot of snow , but it sure is cold ! I don't blame you for not wanting to go out and shovel it . Nothing at all wrong with feeling lazy , because I feel the same way today . Sometimes it's just best to stay inside and stay warm . =) Take care and TTYL ! Sherri
At 2:59pm on January 2, 2010, Sherri Fryer said…
Hi Lynda! Yes , the site is super busy now . At least Robby did well today , and he can only do better tomorrow .

The Sharks have won 7 in a row and they play tonight at 10:00 .

It's a cold , snowy day here , we're under a winter storm watch until tomorrow evening . YAY----NOT !!!! I hope you're staying warm . Take care and TTYL ! Sherri
At 12:19am on January 1, 2010, WJM said…
Thanks Linda. Here's wishing you a great 2010!
At 12:17am on January 1, 2010, Sherri Fryer said…
Happy New Year Lynda ! I hope you have a terrific year , health wise and job wise , and that you and Kesi will have a lot of happiness and smiles .
At 4:19pm on December 31, 2009, Sherri Fryer said…
Hi Lynda! The Sharks have won 6 in a row , could tonight be lucky #7 ? Have you ever seen the old footage of goalies back when they didn't wear a face mask ? Just looking at them is enough to make you cringe . I don't know how they did it back then . It's a good thing someone finally recognized the need for the face mask , along with better pads , and so many other improvements .

Not much longer till Dakar gets underway , it sure will make January go by faster . =) I've been looking at all of the photos from Argentina and thinking to myself about how warm it looks there , compared to how crappy it is here . It sure would be nice to be there . (((((( SIGH))))))

Hope your day has been a good one . Take care and TTYL ! Sherri
At 9:21pm on December 30, 2009, Sherri Fryer said…
Hi Lynda! You're welcome , and if you need to know what other days the Sharks play , let me know .

Isn't it funny what little kids are interested in ? This week it's percentages , next week it might be something completely different . You really don't need to thank me , I tend to call things as I see them . I'm also not given to making comments just because I feel that that is what someone wants to hear . I believe that you are doing a great job with Kesi , and that you will do everything in your power to not fall back on what you went through when you were growing up .

I feel that this Dakar will be even better than the last one . I really hope they won't have to cancel any stages this time , as I would like to see the competitors get the chance to do the whole route . Nascar doesn't have anything on Dakar , as far as competition , strategy and excitement . Robby really wants to win Dakar , and who knows , maybe this will be his year .
Take care and TTYL ! Sherri
At 7:20pm on December 29, 2009, Sherri Fryer said…
Hi Lynda ! I'm sorry , I should have let you know about the game earlier . If you aren't doing anything tomorrow night , the Sharks are playing Washington at 10;00 . If you can't watch that game , they are playing Thursday night at 7:00 .

I believe you are doing a great job with Kesi , and I also believe it will always be that way . It's not always easy to break the cycle , but as long as you never stop trying you can do it . Please tell Kesi that I thank her 100% , but that she is a whole lot cuter than I am . =)

It was a cold day , and it's now a cold night . You can bet I'm going to stay warm . LOL I hope you had a good day , and you're staying warm too . I hope the next couple of months go by quickly, with as little snow as possible , and no more ice . Take care and TTYL ! Sherri
At 8:01pm on December 28, 2009, Sherri Fryer said…
Hi Lynda ! The Sharks are on a winning streak . =) They play tonight in case you haven't anything else going on The game starts at 10:30 or so .

Hope you're enjoying your DVDs . I've been watching whatever catches my attention on TV , since the shows I normally watch are in reruns at this time of year .

As for Kesi trying your patience , that's just what kids do . LOL Your job is to know when to be strict , and when to let it go , which I'm sure you know is sometimes hard to do . Kids like to test adults , I think just to see what kind of reaction they will get . You are indeed lucky and blessed to have her . Enjoy her now at this age , before you know it she will be a teenager . =)

Are you getting snow ? If not , would you like some ? It's snowing pretty good here now . I'm already tired of winter , and am ready for spring . Ha Ha !

Hope you had a good day , and are having a good night . Take care and TTYL ! Sherri
At 4:21pm on December 26, 2009, Sherri Fryer said…
Hi Lynda ! All in all , my day was okay . You know , somehow I can't imagine Kesi having a day where she wasn't cute . =) It's a good thing she's on Christmas vacation so she can catch up on her sleep . I'm glad you all had a very nice day .

Yes , I have watched the Simpsons and Futurama , the shows not the movies . Did you get them on DVD?

This weather sucks , we got freezing rain all morning yesterday , which turned to rain in the PM , and it's been raining all day today . It's pretty icy everywhere , so I'm not going outside .

The Sharks have been doing very well , so I'm hoping that continues into the new year . They don't play again till next week . Take care and TTYL ! Sherri
At 1:56pm on December 25, 2009, Sherri Fryer said…
Hi Lynda ! Merry Christmas to you !

That really stinks about your pipes freezing , but at least you got them unfrozen . Some landlords need a good swift kick in the pants , IMHO .

The reason I can't view the bear pics is because they were sent using Microsoft Power Point , and I don't have that in my computer . I always have to be different from everyone else . LOL

I hope you have a great day , and you and Kesi are staying warm . Frankie says thank you , and Merry Christmas to you . =) Take care and TTYL! Sherri
At 9:30am on December 24, 2009, Billy said…
Hello Lynda, Hope you and yours are having a Happy Holiday Season!
I will be visiting my son in northern Pa. soon so I will be experiencing some of your weather!
Waiting for DAKAR, Billy
At 8:38pm on December 23, 2009, Sherri Fryer said…
Hi Lynda! Still no bear pics , but I did get the funny stuff . They were funny , some a little more than others . Thanks for sending them . I hope you are over the sinus problems , this is no time to not feel well .

There are a lot of neighborhoods like mine all through western PA . There was a time when coal mining and working in the steel mills were the main sources of jobs . I think my grandfather may have helped put the roof on , and he might have done a few other things . My grandfather did a lot of different jobs in his lifetime , he worked in the coal mines a long time , but he developed black lung , and that hampered him for the rest of his life . I can remember seeing him short of breath a great many times while I was growing up . He also smoked , which didn't help him any .He managed to live till the age of 80 , at least I think that's how old he was . I never quite knew how old he was . =)

I haven't been having any problems sleeping , as I've been quite busy with a number of things . I hope you had a good day , and are having a good night . Take care and TTYL ! Sherri
At 12:35am on December 19, 2009, Sherri Fryer said…
Hi Lynda! I certainly hope we don't get dumped on too bad either .

I don't live right in town , on a hillside just before you get into town . Clymer started out as a mining town , so they built a lot of houses for the miners and their families . There are areas where the houses are in rows , equal distance apart , like my neighborhood . My Grandfather helped build some of the houses back in the day . Yes , there are advantages to living where places are within walking distance , but it also makes it a little hard to get away from people . That cabin sounds like a a little piece of heaven .

It won't be long until racing starts again , and hopefully it will be a bit more interesting than it was this year . The Dakar Rally should be exciting , and hopefully Robby will improve on his finish . It would be cool to get to see the shop on wheels , it would make for a great tour , wouldn't it ?

I'm going to try and have at least a somewhat decent day , and I hope you have a good one . Take care and TTYL ! Sherri
At 3:55pm on December 18, 2009, Sherri Fryer said…
Hi Lynda ! Wow , it was really cold there last night . It hasn't been too bad here , but we will be under a winter storm watch tonight starting at 10, and all day tomorrow . Yay , NOT !!

Your tree should be okay , maybe you won't need to water it as often . =)

I know exactly what you mean about the neighborhood being so close together , that's the way it is here . There is enough room between the houses to park a vehicle . You can also pretty much know what your neighbors are up to . It would be nice to live somewhere where the neighbors are at a distance .

This year I just don't miss racing , though I am looking forward to Dakar . I hope the rest of this month goes by quickly ! Take care and TTYL ! Sherri
At 12:54pm on December 16, 2009, Sherri Fryer said…
It got up to almost 50 , it snowed a little last night , but the sun is back out today . Yes , the holes go into the cut face , it's suppose to help the tree suck up the water .

You know , I wish I had somewhere to go for the holiday to get away from everyone , but I don't , so I'll just hang in there and I'll get through . I keep telling myself that they won't be here forever , one day they will be gone . Oh how I wish that tomorrow was that day !

I hope you and Kesi have fun with your project , I bet they do look cool . I hope you're having a good week . Take care and TTYL ! Sherri

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