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At 6:44am on February 8, 2010, Billy said…
Hey Lynda,
How are you and your daughter? It looks like you might be buried in snow? I am doing okay but like you said I am very busy with work. I'm sure you saw.we just had the Superbowl here it is a bit chaotic but it is a great boost for the area.
I love the look of Robby's new ride! I wont be able to make it to the 500 but I am trying to line up a Disney/Daytona trip in July with my son.
Hope you are well and it warms up soon!
At 9:00pm on February 7, 2010, Jaci said…
I will try to post something everyday if I find the time and I will definitely post lots of pictures. I will have to come to Watkins Glen sometime. I know a lot of people really like the racing up there and I really like road racing.
At 5:53pm on February 7, 2010, Jaci said…
Thanks Lynda. I hope we have great weather or at least no rain. Last year was the first time I had ever attended a live race. We went to the Michigan race in Jun and then the New Hampshire race in September. I also saw the NASCAR boys race in Eldora. This year I'm going to the Daytona 500, the Indy 500, the New Hampshire race in June (it's on my birthday) and then another trip to Eldora. Someone told me once I went to a live race, I would keep going back. I'm having a great time! How many do you go to?
At 9:09pm on January 28, 2010, Billy said…
Hey Lynda,
What do you think of Robby building and running a monster truck? I think its gonna be Awesome!
At 7:58pm on January 27, 2010, Sherri Fryer said…
Hi Lynda ! My week is so-so , I'm finding things to do to keep myself busy . I have to say that I've seen the sun the past couple of days peeking out from behind the clouds . They say we'll be getting 3 to 4 inches of snow :(

I hope it's nothing serious with Kesi , it's never fun to be sick when you're a kid . We've all had days where we've bemoaned the fact that we should have used our time more wisely , and been more productive . I believe it's the human condition . =)

Well , it appears that Robby has his year planned out as to what he wants to do . As for the Nascar season , I'm not looking forward to it all that much . I don't know how much I'll be able to stand of the talk about JJ's championship and impending fatherhood , and the "invasion' of Danica , without wanting to scream .

Hope you both enjoy your weekend visits . Since it seems like it's going to be cold , you'll have a good reason to stay inside and talk about plants and gardening . =)

You know , it's a shame that you are the only parent to volunteer for this class . Do you know if anyone else has said they will show up ? It's important to those kids to learn how great being able to read is . Plus how much fun it is . I guess having only one child not being cooperative isn't too bad . =)

Hope you're having a good night . Take care and TTYL ! Sherri
At 5:01pm on January 25, 2010, Sherri Fryer said…
Hi Lynda ! It rained all day yesterday and most of the day today . They say we'll be getting snow tonight . Yay ! NOT!! Spring , where are you ????

I can't wait for the peppers plus the cukes , carrots , lettuce , spinach, and onions, and even though I don't care for raw tomatoes , I do like them on pizza and in pasta sauce , sloppy joes, etc . My brother for the past couple of years has been making his own hot sauce with the peppers and tomatoes he's grown . Yum !

As for the classroom situation , sometimes kids just need a calming influence , which can be a pretty daunting task a great deal of the time . Just do what you can when you're there , I don't think it would be very fair to expect you or any other parent to do any more than what you are doing . After all , the teacher is getting paid for her work . Good luck with the kids . =)

Yes , the Sharks won , but I had expected the game to be a bit closer than it was . Oh well , I'll take the win !
Yes , they won't play again until Thursday at 10:30 , then they play Sat at 10:30 , Tue at 10:30 , Thu at 8:00 and Sat at 8:00 .

Hope you had a good day . Take care and TTYL ! Sherri
At 7:10pm on January 23, 2010, Sherri Fryer said…
Hi Lynda ! It's been kind of nice here , the sun was out today , and the temp was in the 40's . But , as they say , all good things must come to an end , as it's going to rain tomorrow . :(

I think you reading to the kids is a great thing to do . If you can interest one girl or boy into learning to read and enjoying all that comes with that , then you deserve a big pat on the back . I learned to read in 1st grade , and I'm still thankful to my teacher for making me see how much fun it it to read . It sounds like the teacher needs someone to take her aside and explain to her what discipline is and how to dispense it . Do you think she's never heard that talk is cheap , and actions are louder than words ? Maybe a teacher's aide would help .

Hockey tonight , maybe you'll get to see the game .

Just the thought of those seeds has me wishing that spring was here already ! LOL The thought of eating those baby belles makes my mouth water , not to mention all of the veggies that he'll be growing . =) I hope you get to have a great garden this year . I hope the weather cooperates too !

I hope you had a good day , and that you got to see the sun . I hear you about needing some fun . LOL Take care and TTYL ! Sherri
At 5:25pm on January 21, 2010, Sherri Fryer said…
Hi Lynda ! Yes , the sun was shining here as well . Of course it's cloudy now , and they say we might be getting some freezing rain . Yuck !

Tonights Sharks game should be a good one as they have this intense rivalry with the Ducks . Hopefully the Sharks keep scoring goals like they have been doing . Doesn't it seem like the internet never goes down until you're watching something ? I think everyone has done the thing with the alarm , imho it doesn't have anything to do with maturity . LOL

That's kind of strange that there is so little order in the classroom . Is the teacher young and hasn't found the way to instill order , or is she older and just doesn't have it in her to control the chaos .? Despite the absence of order , did you enjoy your time there ?

We have birds here every day , because we have a bird feeder and they all come in to eat . I like to just sit in my living room and watch them fly in and out . My brother has gotten his seed catalogs , and has already sent in one order for seeds . He says he's going to order more . I've put in my request for Baby Belle red bell peppers . They will be the perfect size for when I want to make myself a salad . Yum ! I think container gardens are great , they are easy to take care of . My brother grows a number of plants in containers and gets great results . I keep telling myself that Spring is coming , one of these days I might just believe it ! LOL

Hope you had a good day and a good evening . Take care and TTYL ! Sherri
At 6:50pm on January 19, 2010, Sherri Fryer said…
Hi Lynda ! Those kind of games happen a number of times during the season . I would rather have both teams show up to play , these one-sided games aren't a lot of fun for me . I had to fight to stay interested and awake last night . Tonight's game will be more of a 'battle' as the Sharks are playing the Kings , and they don't much like each other .

How is Kesi feeling today ? Did you send her to school ? Today was one dark and dreary day . I need to see the sun again ! LOL Hope you had a good day . Take care and TTYL ! Sherri
At 11:35pm on January 18, 2010, Sherri Fryer said…
Yes , they are kicking ass tonight , but since they are playing Calgary , it's like fishing in a barrel , they're not going away empty handed . LOL

I have no idea where the Cow gets his words . I guess you'll have to ask him . =)
At 4:48pm on January 18, 2010, Sherri Fryer said…
Hi Lynda! We had a light misty rain earlier today , then the sun came out , which was nice . I think we're going to get a mixed bag of precipitation this week . Oh well , edging that much closer to Spring . =) As for the mud , I've found it's impossible to teach the people here to wipe their feet . I think I would have better luck with the dogs . LOL As for the Sharks schedule , you're welcome .

Please tell Kesi that I hope she's feeling better . Since parents have been told to keep their kids home if they are sick , it probably wouldn't hurt to keep her home tomorrow . You are her mom , so that makes you the Supreme Ruler of her universe , and you get to make all the important , and at times , non important decisions . =)

Today wasn't too bad of a day , so the week is off to a decent start . Hope your day was a good one , and the weather has improved since this morning . Take care and TTYL ! Sherri
At 2:13pm on January 17, 2010, Sherri Fryer said…
Hi Lynda! I have to agree , the warmer temps have been so nice . We're getting rain today , which means people and dogs tracking mud in the house. :(

Your snow woman and cat are cute . I can live with them not sticking around long .=)

The Sharks won yesterday , and their schedule for this week is as follows : Mon at 10:00 , Tue at 10:30 , Thu at 10:30 , and Sat at 10:30 . Hope you get to see at least one game . =)

Hope you're having a good day , Take care and TTYL ! Sherri
At 12:13pm on January 16, 2010, vak7 said…
LOL!!! Good one... My hubby and I have this same conversation at home. Danika is his "free pass." As we're nearing retirement age, it's nothing more than a joke but keeps us going. Robby is mine.
At 9:22pm on January 15, 2010, vak7 said…
Right on! What do you want to be known for, your track expertise or your looks? Looks don't last. Men will never think with the right head!
At 6:10pm on January 15, 2010, Sherri Fryer said…
Hi Lynda! The Sharks lost , so I guess you didn't miss anything . It really sucks when you run out of propane and have to wait for the delivery guy . Lucky for you that you have a space heater . It was gray here today too , they say we have some crappy weather coming our way , yay ! NOT ! Hope you had a good day . Take care and TTYL ! Sherri
At 10:31pm on January 12, 2010, Sherri Fryer said…
Hi Lynda ! You're welcome . Yes , they held on for the win , and so far tonight they are leading 2-0 .

Don't beat yourself up , we all 'screw up' from time to time . It's clear that you've learned to now write important things on the calendar . It's too bad that the teacher isn't friendly , good luck with the volunteering , and also with the teacher .

Yes , that's where I was going about Robby . How cool would it be if we had the chance to do what we really wanted to do ? Robby is one of the truly lucky ones , even when things don't go his way , he only has to get up the next day and do what it takes to make the changes that will get him the results he wants . Being your own boss would be great , wouldn't it ?

We had sun today , it was still cold , and we got some snow flurries . They say it's going to warm up into the 30's by the end of the week . My blahs are the kind that come and go , a little bit of sunshine goes a long way to making them go away . =)

Hope you're having a good night , and staying warm . Take care and TTYL ! Sherri
At 10:32pm on January 10, 2010, Sherri Fryer said…
Hi Lynda! Sorry about the sun not sticking around . We had sun and snow flurries all day , not to mention it being really cold . BRR!! It sure would be nice to be able to put in an order for Spring , wouldn't it ?

The Sharks weren't on their game Sat night . They've been really good at times , and they've been pretty bad at times , and they've been so-so at times . Like I said before , they need to be more consistent . As for the playoffs , they're not going to start for a while yet . I'll explain it to you later , if that's okay with you . The Sharks have 4 games this week , Mon at 10:30 , Tue at 9:00 , Thu at 10:30 , and Sat at 4:00 .

If you're getting old and impatient , then so am I . LOL I find myself wondering about peoples intelligence , almost on a daily basis . =)

I don't really feel bad for Robby , only because he's getting the chance to do what he wants , compete in the Dakar Rally . He's gotten the chance every year he has competed . How many people get to have the chance to do something like that ? I feel Robby will be just fine , no matter what happens for the rest of the rally . He'll just be back next year to do it all over again . =) I think he has gotten an idea about the kind of fans he has , on more than one occasion .

I hope you have a good Monday . I'll keep myself busy , so it should be an okay day for me . =) Take care and TTYL ! Sherri
At 4:10pm on January 9, 2010, Sherri Fryer said…
Hi Lynda ! Isn't it amazing how just seeing the sun can make you feel better ? The sun has been shining all day , and of course we got a little more snow too . I've made up my mind that I'm not going to dwell on how crappy the winter has been so far , at least not too much . LOL

I think more people like the Sharks than what anyone realizes .I hope they play well against Detroit tonight , and beat them . Go Sharks !!!

One would imagine that Robby is rather used to having parts failures , seeing as he has so many of them in Nascar . As they say "shit happens" . Robby will be fine , I don't understand those who just because he has a problem turn into Chicken Little . I think a lot of them don't understand the whole concept of the rally , you can't win it in one day , that's why they have stages . You can't win it all if you use up all of your equipment before you even get halfway through . Look at BJ , he hasn't had an easy time of it either , but he's still out there going for it . There is no quit in either Robby or BJ , some people just need to keep that in mind . =)

If you should get Mother Nature's attention , could you ask her to hurry spring along ? LOL
Take care and TTYL ! Sherri
At 12:23am on January 8, 2010, Sherri Fryer said…
Hi Lynda ! Not too much to be jealous of , the sun wasn't out for all that long . I do know what you mean about it seeming to be gray for months , that's one of my biggest complaints about winter .

The Sharks play the Red Wings . Hopefully it will be a good game . That's interesting that there's a good number of people looking for the games .

Hopefully this stage of the rally won't be too hard on everyone , and Robby and BJ make it through with little or no trouble . As for the BAM alliance , I guess we'll have to wait till the Nascar season starts to see how it will play out . I too hope it's good for everyone concerned . As they say , time will tell .

As for the snow , we've had a lot more than this before , I just like to grumble and complain from time to time . LOL It makes me happy to know that the days are getting longer . =) Take care and TTYL ! Sherri
At 6:04pm on January 7, 2010, Sherri Fryer said…
Hi Lynda ! Yes , the Sharks pulled off a win last night . Yes , they play again on Sat at 10:30 .

Yes , it is too bad about Robby's day , but you know he's going to go out tomorrow and everything he can to regain the time he lost today . Anything can happen on any given day , so who knows what the future holds .

It was 23 here today , I actually saw the sun for a short while . But of course it's going to snow again tonight and tomorrow . In fact it's starting now . Oh how I hate winter !

I am hanging in there . =) Hope you had a good day , and that you have a good evening . Take care and TTYL ! Sherri

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