Join us for the Dakar Rally's fourth day on Jan 6, 2009 , right here and chat about the action during the 4th stage.Robby sits in 9th overall,only 34 minutes from the lead.

Stage 4 - Tuesday, January 6
Jacobacci > Neuquen
Connection: 4 km | Special: 459 km | Connection: 25 km | Total: 488 km
At the start of this stage, the rocky passageways will make heavy demands on the arms of motorcyclists, while those who are accustomed to “wadis” will be obliged to negotiate the Argentinian “rios” with the same careful attention. Next, the first sandy portions and the long kilometers of off-road will thrill those who love driving them. Careful now! Mistakes can begin to be costly: the stage toward Neuquen has all the ingredients of a trap. By taking on more or less of a lead, the favorites can begin to show themselves and provide indications of a ranking that just might last.

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thank god I couldn't deal with that shit yesterday.
I gave up and went to sleep....
I would have hoped dakar would start to give average speeds like score and BITD.
The TDUSA race truck has dropped out. This could be a problem in future stages if Robby needs on course assitance.
Darn it for Eric and the entire Team!
As best I can tell, Eric and the Vanguard Hummer are still chugging along. Showing 45th for todays stage at KM253, 31'39" down.

So the second Hummer is still there to help, but not the MAN truck with the bigger parts, equipment, and tools.
They will just strap more shit on the second Hummer. Turbo not being there to support the second Hummer not really The Monster is what sucks. It's like support truck support is gone if that is the case..
fexer valve....... (Fletch),,,,

They don't have any 90 weight ball bearings at the Napa in So America. :O
Dakar 2009: A Mechanical failure halts Eric Vigouroux Hummer.

The Dakar's third day of racing was not kind to Eric Vigouroux and Alexandre Winocq. It wasn't until very late at night that they reached Jacobacci's bivouac, set up on the tracks of the small city's former train station.

After having dashed to 23rd position during the special, they were victims of a mechanical failure right after CP1. A training pulley on the power-steering pump broke, freezing their vehicle on the edge of the trail. In fact, without power-steering, the Hummer, which was designed and prepared by Robby Gordon's team, cannot be driven at all.

Eric and Alexandre had no other option but to wait for the Team Dakar USA's race assistance truck to show up, which, fortunately, had the replacement part. However, by the time the truck arrived and the repair was made, several hours had passed by. The possibility of achieving a good spot in the general ranking is now unlikely.

Fortunately, for Robby Gordon, the "boss", things went very well. The American driver finished this third special in tenth position, right behind the official Mitsubishis, VWs and BMWs. In the overall placing, Robby turned up in ninth place, thirty minutes behind Carlos Sainz, the race leader. The American driver hopes to come out ahead during the difficult dune legs.
70-90...whatever it takes......
Thank you for all the tracking updates, it's just a no-go for me to get it loaded.

They don't have a pic up of Robby and Andy :(

I noticed looking at the starting line-up this morning, that the MAN was listed at 72nd, never did show it on the results as finishing Stage 3?
VanHummer at CP1 is 104th, up from 133rd when I looked a few minutes prior? Not listed in overall as of yet.


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