Jan 4th, 2016 Dakar Rally Stage 2 Race Info & Discussion

Join in and discuss all the action from Stage 2 of the 2016 Dakar Rally. Robby Gordon will drive the #312 Speed Energy/Traxxas/Toyo Tires Gordini, and his teammate, Sheldon Creed, will drive Gordini #337. The special section of Stage 2 has been shortened from 521km to 387km. Robby Gordon start time: 9:11am/et, Sheldon Creed start time: 9:16am/et. Raceday chat will be available throughout the entire 2016 Dakar Rally.

2016 Prologue Photos



Connection 337km | Special Stage 521km* | Total 858km


The statistics speak for themselves: with around 800 kilometres to cover depending on the category, the day will be very long. There is a significant distance to cover in both the special and the liaison sections: although the terrain presents no real difficulties, the relatively fast tracks may already benefit those who love hills and crossing rivers and who can keep up high speeds over the whole distance. Cars and trucks are entitled to an extension on this day.

The GREEN section of the route is the connection , the RED is the Special Section of the stage.

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I'd like to see Robby convert one of the Gordinis to AWD for next year...just a thought. Not panicking, and I think Robby has the team to make it work. Gas on Robby.

That will never happen.

from the RDC:

John_Bitting: Are the 2wd Gordinis at a disadvantage this year now that its being considered more of a rally style course?

Robby Gordon- Don’t think of the Gordini like a Trophy Truck. It has more in common with a 2WD WRC car.

SunsetCliffsMocos: How many more years do they expect to run the current platform? Will AWD and the Rally type courses force a change to the current approach?

Robby Gordon- I don’t have any plans to change our platform. Look a Peugeot, they started their program from scratch last year and chose a 2WD platform.

I agree, it will never happen. All the 4x4 talk can come to an end now with the Pugs showing how its done 2WD style. Although i'd love to think the Gordini is more of an allround rally vehicle more than a TT, it does show TT habits> soft suspension> The 3-wheeling corner showoffs are proof its set up way different than any other competing vehicle. Does it have benefits? It does, shown on that proloque video where the Gordinis didnt even notice that little jump, any other vehicle incl the Toys and Pugs kicking up their rear ends.
I think today RG was in the same boat Sianz was in; being stuck in the mud for about 15 min. The diffeence Sainz showing a nice come back where the Gordini slowly losing some more time. I am curious about the coming stages, how things will develop from now on. We'll see. Gas on!

Its nice to see the Gordini is set up different from the other entries. I was only thinking of the ever changing weather patterns. This isnt the first time weather has played a factor. If 4wd trophy trucks can be built (ex Nick Nelson for one) then Im sure Robby could do the same, and keep the travel/soft suspension. Im good either way really, I just want him up front, like we all do!

In a meeting all this morning, but it seems like it was a crazy day here.

Anyone know if Robby can adjust his suspension to give him a little more ground clearance? Seems the other cars have better clearance and won't get caught in the mud as much.

I think this is the only stage in the last three years I can say the old Hummer might be better than the new Gordini.

BTW, I can't wait until RG get a dry stage because he is going to hammer that Gordini to try to make up some time.

Why yes an adjustment can be made for the mud Hazzard, you just remove the hood and Install a kamaz 6 wheel drive underneath it and problem solved.

Thanks Smart Ass. ;?)

Cheer up folks. It's not like this happened:

no kidding, I hope everyone is safe

Seriously. What car is that? It looks like it could be that Hummer that I think someone from Poland is driving.

#509 Martin van de Brink, didn't make it to WP1


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