Jan 16th, 2014 Dakar Rally Stage 11 Race Info & Discussion

Join in and discuss all the action from Stage 11 of the 2014 Dakar Rally. Robby Gordon recorded a 20th place finish in stage 10, and is still looking to capture his first stage win of the rally. Robby Gordon will begin stage 11 at 8:15am/et


2014 Stage 10 Photos



Connection 144km | Special Stage 605km | Total 749km



In addition to the distance, here the competitors will be put to the test by all the difficulties offered by the Atacama Desert… and will have to display all the qualities required for off-road races. After the mine tracks and the many rivers to cross, the competitors will have to distinguish themselves in the heart of the Dunes of Copiapo: the fastest motorcyclists are expected to spend seven hours behind the wheel. Needless to say that on this decisive day there will be no shortage of opportunities for competitors to make a winning comeback in the race. This will be the key stage of the 2014 edition.

The GREEN section of the route is the connection , the RED is the Special Section of the stage.


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That is great to hear and Boo Hoo to Twitter and others that said Robby was out!

Send out the e-mails and get the band back together , it ain't over yet!! TOG what did RG say

Some of Robby best off road driving was after every one was done on the course and he would come by full blast after a long down time. To all the locals do not let your kids or drunk buddies on the course ;)

Like I said from the giddy-up you NEED dual stage filters WITH a water separator any time your out of the states...That's a given when you do a build...The only exception would be filter your fuel (externally) as you refill.

Although if the fuel is just plain shit and won't burn all the filters in the world won't help.

Cummins has a real nice one with a screw off top for filter replacement and a petcock on the bottom
for water drain - doesn't weigh hardly anything too.

Thats exactly what to use

Robby getting bad fuel?!?! Things that make me go hhmmm!

Yeah, I've "Hummm'd" a few times myself this week.

Come on "Hopechurch" have faith in your fellow man ;)


I wonder how much fuel they go through in the course of the rally

Is there a time limit to get to the finish line>?


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