Just noticed that NBC's coverage is on at either 2 or 2:30 in the morning. Does anybody know of another way of seeing it, or will I just have to stick with here and the dakar website. Don't own a dvr, so I won't be able to record it.

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stick with the Planet,it's really not so bad;-)

There is a possibility that it will be moved up to midnight....

Nothing like the Planet for Robby news though!!

Right now:

This Sat and Sun 2:30a eastern

Jan 7th on at 2a eastern

If hockey remains on strike, those dates from the 7th on might move up.

I haven't seen it yet, but last year they replayed the next day around 6-7 PM ET

This year they only have that next day replay scheduled twice as far as I've seen.

Ya, I just checked and saw that, came here to say it, but you beat me to it. DVR, once you have it, you can't live without it.

dakar coverage is almost live...........just sayin

I tend to not watch things once recorded. I still have VHS tapes that haven't been opened.

www.Youdakar.com suppose be live, just not sure if twitter live or live feed



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