If VW were still here, the Minis would be complaining about being 5th, 6th, 7th & further. RG would still be in the top 5 & we'd all be BellyAchin about Redbull & VW... fast forward to 2012, "he makes me take risks", he's fast, he must be cheating.
Years ago RG & Team SPEED took the rule book to town & found all the things 2wd buggies had over 4wd turbo D-Cells...
RG is schoolin Y'all well w/in the rules. Tire inflation systems are not allowed in the Dakar rules for 4wd but is allowed for 2wd... Check it out RG mentioned that the first (Jim Beam Hummer) go round... Paraphrasing "This is a big difference" for 2wd vs 4wd. Horsepower, tire size, shocks/springs, etc... They wrote the book, RG & friends read it. ASO may re-interpret what they wrote for the Schlesser 2wd buggy folks that used to rule the "Lower Classes" but RG is kickin butt with no concern for what they thought might be an issue... Schlesser winning a rally back n the day was really cute (i.e quaint) , but...
RG is just putting some mayo & mustard on your rules... What kinda wine goes w/rule book? I prefer a mild orange SPEED vintage 2012!!!!
Your TV coverage can disregard the big dog, but the rest othe world see's who's making you sweat...

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PH feels guilty & withdraws?

Peterhansel and Roma need cry towels.


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