Join in here and discuss all the practice & race action for the 2010 Auto Club 500. Robby
Gordon will be running the #7 Warner Music / Whitney Duncan Toyota. Here is the weekend schedule for RGM at the California track.


 Practice    3:00 - 4:30 pm/et   ( 38th Quickest )
 Qualifying  6:30 - 8:30 pm/et   ( 40th Quickest )


 Practice  2:30 - 3:15 pm/et  ( 41st Quickest )
 Practice  3:45 - 4:50 pm/et  ( 38th Quickest )


 Auto Club 500  3:00 pm/et , green flag at 3:19 pm/et ( Finished 33rd )

Dont forget live raceday chat will be available,as well as live twitter feeds from the track.

Garagecam from FONTANA

Practice Live Leaderboard

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Who knows why the car wouldn't go? Looked like it was dragging an anchor
From Robby's twitter himself yesterday

Went into turn 1 and hit the splitter pretty hard and had to back out of it before washing up into the fence. Hopefully we'll get time tomorrow to figure it out.
it was dragging an anchor......the front end
actually, that would be "pushing a plow "
The back of the didn't seem to come loose thats good
you have to be going fast to be loose
Final 2 practice sessions begin in 10 minutes. Hope RG can find some speed today
35 drivers out so far....Robby not out yet...

Boris Said is really really slow
us and almirola only 2 not to go out so far
The bad news is were 40th at 41.14. The good news is that we keep on picking up time almost every lap
slow by more than a second
Come on Prism motorsports the start and park team has a better setup than us. Is that even possible? I don't remember robbys cars ever being this bad in previous year with the cot


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